Truth Serum

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1. You knew you shouldn't have agreed to let Mei test something on you. All she said was that she needed a little help with this new energy restoring drink that she was formulating and just needed your opinion on the taste. Yeah, bit sus but hey, better than whatever was lurking in the communal fridge. Oh how you regretted your decision. The drink was the single most bitter concoction you had ever tasted, its flavour only registering after you had managed to ingest a mouthful. It took ten minutes for you just to stop trying to claw your tongue out. Though the aftermath of the drink is quickly proving to be worse. You can't lie, not even a little, and keep blurting out whatever pops into your mind. Mei kept assuring you that it should wear off in a week or so but you were kinda doubtful. Here's to hoping you survive

2. Same as above only (Crush) is the person who took the truth serum

3. Standard set up really. You were in a battle, you got hit by an unknown Quirk and you shrugged it off because, hey, didn't affect your ability to fight so why should you pay too much attention to it? Bad idea to ignore it. Mainly cause your opponent got away and now you're stuck blurting out whatever pops into your head all while being unable to lie even slightly. Let's hope whatever hit you wears off soon. Before you run into your crush

4. Same as above only (Crush) got hit with the Quirk

5. Feel free to make one up!

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