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Name: Hayami Hada

Nicknames: Haya-chan, Songbird, Babybird, Turtledove, Chickadee, Chickpea, ect

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Appearance: Hayami has curly reddish-brown hair that goes to her ribs and is often kept up in a loose ponytail, pale skin with a small dusting of freckles across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose and is generally seen as pretty, her facial features on the delicate side of things. Her dark brown eyes border on black at times, particularly at night or when she's feeling strong emotions, and she's about 5'6", her build on the toned side as well as curvy. She also has a pair of nightingale wings, her wings easily as big as she is, though many people are unable to tell the species and just simply assume the colour of the feathers was meant to match her hair

Personality: Hayami is one of the single most sweet and chill people you will ever come across, always seen with a serene smile on her face. She gives some of the best advice on the planet, always thinking everything through before she says it and occasionally not talking at all simply because she feels the other person in the conversation just needs a little while to vent. Don't be fooled though. When it's time to get down to business (to defeat, the Huns), she can go from chill and peaceful to a highly competent hero in less than a second. She prefers to stick to rescue and recovery missions though, not really one for fighting. Sure, she can fight, and is rather good at it, she just chooses not to. She is also one of the most hardworking people on the planet, rarely taking breaks and physically having to be forced to take time off when injured

Likes: Medical dramas, early morning runs, tea (everyone seems to agree that she makes the best pot of tea around), singing, dancing, reading, kashipan, wagashi, most kinds of spicy food (she can't really taste spice so she often gets the hottest thing on the menu), autumn and most forms of classical music

Dislikes: Getting into fights, meat (has been a vegetarian since she was a kid), dogs and cats (they don't like her, she doesn't like them), springtime (she has a very long list of reasons why), singing in public, dresses, paperwork and being dragged into the limelight

Pro-Hero/Villain/Student?: Pro-Hero

Class: Used to attend UA in class A

Quirk Name: Healing Warbler

Quirk Description: Alongside her wings that allow her to fly for short to medium distances, Hayami is able to heal others through physical contact, drawing on her own energy to heal them rather than simply amplifying and speeding up the person's natural recovery like with Recovery Girl's Quirk

Quirk Drawbacks: She can't fly for long periods of time or else she gets extremely tired, her body can't physically handle higher altitudes so she tends to stay quite a fair bit below the cloud line, healing someone can either take a small amount of energy or so much energy she knocks herself out (the difference is usually how severe the wound to the person is), she can't regrow missing limbs or heal scars and she has to maintain physical contact the entire time she's healing someone

Hero Name: Nightingale

Hero Costume: A white crop shirt with an open back for her wings and connects to a mask that covers the bottom half of her face, white pants, a brown leather belt with various pockets attached to it, brown leather boots that come up to her knees, a brown leather jacket with sleeves that only go to her elbows and a green tinted visor with a white rim

Friends: She gets along with almost anyone but doesn't seem to have any people she would call extremely close friends

Enemies: The League of Villains, whoever keeps leaving bags of bird seed at her desk as a very unfunny joke

Love Interest: Keigo Takami aka Hawks ((Backups are Dabi or your OC))

Family: Akari Hada (mother, deceased), Hiro Hada (father, estranged), Aika Hada (younger sister, currently attending UA in class 1-C)

Backstory: Hayami didn't have exactly the best childhood growing up. Inheriting both her parents' Quirks, she was constantly pushed to succeed, her mother wanting her to become a hero while her dad wanting her to become a doctor. In the end, her parents agreed to a compromise: she'd become both. In the meantime, all she wanted to be was happy, going along with her parents' plans simply because she had no choice. She got into UA on recommendation, her dad having pulled some strings to get her in. It was in her final year that the accident happened. Her mom and dad were in a car wreck, leaving her mom dead, her dad in a coma and her to look after her sister. Yet, somehow she managed, graduating with remarkable marks and taking the first job she could get, winding up as a sidekick at Hawks Hero Agency. Her father woke up from his coma on her 19th birthday, the two now estranged and Hayami refusing to let him anywhere near Aika

Other: She's very good at impressions, is acting as her younger sister's guardian and she gets re-certified every year in First Aid to make sure she's always up to date

Other: She's very good at impressions, is acting as her younger sister's guardian and she gets re-certified every year in First Aid to make sure she's always up to date

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