Ch 7

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Ace's Pov:

"Mr.Luciano, your suit is ready for tonight" I hear my maid Rose say.

"Okay, thank you Rose" I say and she leaves the room. I get in the shower and take a quick shower. I get the Tux from the bag and change into it also putting on my dress shoes.  Once I'm done, I do my hair and walk downstairs to the car. My father was already at the reception since he was a main Hostess.

The driver quickly makes it to the destination and I step out of the car. I fix my watch and walk inside. I spotted my father and he was talking with Mr.Romano. I look around and spot Ryder with his brothers and a girl by his side.

Lilianne's Pov:

I quickly shower and do a full body shave. I put on my dress which was made especially for me. I had no idea what to wear but my father said a simple dress would suffice.

The dress was elegant and still a bit classy. It was a red spaghetti strap dress, long almost like a ball gown and a slit on the right side. I curled my hair since it was naturally straight. I also put on some silver heels and wore a gold watch.

I walk downstairs and my brothers and father are in elegant suits. I notice they all have guns strapped to them. I also have a gun strapped to my leg. I applied a simple red lipstick on my lips and a bit of foundation and that was about all the makeup I used.


We arrived at the place. It was huge and it could fill a few thousand people. Ryder offers me his hand and I take it stepping out of the car. I walk in and they tell me the simple rules: do not make contact, do not take drinks, stay with us at all times. I nod in understandment.

We enter and people stop and bow their heads acknowledging our presence. I see our father go and talk to a man who seemed around his age. They seem to be very comfortable with each other. I look around and see women of all types of classes, there are women who seem dressed to be a one night stand but hey people gotta make money. I would too if I had the chance and was not insecure. I see a few married women.

"A drink miss" I see a waiter boy offer me, I nod and gladly take the glass of champagne, thanking him as he walks away.

I drink the champagne and stay close to Ryder. He seems to be in a deep conversation with a man beside him. I notice the guy looking at me, in particular my exposed skin. I see my brothers glare at him, he then walks away. I finish my 2nd glass of champagne and Ryder tells me I can't have any more. Yah like if i'm listening. I notice a guy who seems about the age of Ryder comes up and they embrace in a hug.

Ace's Pov:

"Ryder" I say hugging him

"Ace" He says and hugs me back. I then hug his brothers as well. I then see the face of the girl who was next to Ryder. She was absolutely stunning, her face was a tan color and her eyes were a shade of hazel brown, her dark brown almost Black colored hair. Her body was just perfect, she had this Aura around her which was making me feel safe and loving around her.

"Lilianne" she says and extends her hand towards me, I gladly take it and when I do, my hands feel sparks of electricity. "Ace" I say.

"Lily" I hear a voice say from across the room, there was standing Liam, one of the right hands man of Mr.Romano. He walks towards us and shakes my hand. "Payno" she says and hugs Liam. "I told you my last name is Mathews" he whines and she just giggles. Her laugh sounds so angelic.

    My stomach does knots and I feel this urge to break them away. I don't want her near anyone else but me. I don't even want a guy staring at her because I will gouge their eyes out.

They stop hugging once Mr.Romano clears his throat. I smirk in victory even though I did nothing. He then holds Liliannes hand and takes her with him.

Once they leave I ask Ryder " You got a girlfriend Ryder" I tease him. He was about to answer but was interrupted by the starting of the ceremony. Ryder and I both walk to our places.

Lilianne's Pov:

"Lilianne, the ceremony will begin in a minute and when you hear your name being called you will walk down these stairs also I would like to introduce you to my dear friend Mr.Luciano" My father tells me while we stand at the top of the staircase.

"Lilianne Hope Romero, Sir" I say no one knows my middle name but in this situation it felt like an obligation to introduce myself fully.

"Please call me Abraham our Abe, no need for formalities, also would it be okay to call you Lily" he tells me. I nod my head and they descend from the stairs.

"As you all know, we will be passing down the business line of the Mafia, I will pass down this line of business to my son Ryder Alex Romero." My father says and then Abe speaks " I will be passing down my Mafia to my Son Ace Lucas Luciano".  They had finished their ceremony and now officially the heir of the Mafia's were now the Don's .

"I would also like to take this time to introduce the Mafia Princess my Daughter Lilianne Hope Romero" I hear my father announce and that's my Cue. I carefully walk down the stairs hoping and praying I don't make a fool of myself and fall down.

A young lady came and placed a simple Tiara on my head. I felt like a real princess. I never felt so happy in my life that was full of criticism. A cheer erupted towards the crowds and I had thanked them. Thankfully the attention was back to everyone else. I walked down the stairs and went to hug Ryder congratulating him.

I saw a waiter walk by and took 2 champagne glasses from his tray, I chugged the first one and then the 2nd one. One thing for sure was that I was not light weight.

"Dance m'lady" Liam says from beside me

"Gladly" I say and take his hand. We dance close together and then I notice him staring at one of my fathers men and blushing profoundly when the guy winks at him.

"You like him" I ask him still dancing with him

"Yeah, we are actually dating" He tells me

"What, I'm glad you told me and don't worry if he hurts you I will personally carve off all of his tattoos" I tell him and he chuckles resting his head on top of mine. The song finishes and the guests start to leave.

"Come on Lily, there's an after party,  you coming" Liam grabs my hand, I let him lead me to the car. My brothers are already sitting in the car and when they see me get in they drive to a house.

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