Ch 20

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Lilianne's Pov:

This whole week has been tiring. I have gone on missions and got information. Cassidy has come over a few times and told me how she met this cute guy. She also brings me something when she comes over. Liam and Matteo have a couple goals. Liam told me how Matteo once was mad at Liam so he threw him over his shoulder and then drove to a theme park. He made them communicate and they just enjoyed the theme park. As for me, Hades and I have been so excited about hanging out.

We all already have our things sent to the house we will be staying in. We will be there for 3-6 days and Emma is coming. I don't know what type of business but i'm excited to go and have fun. My dad said I don't have to worry about our business, just enjoy myself.

"Alright kids, let's go" My dad says and we run to the car. I called shotgun and Ryder tried throwing me to the back seat but Emma hit him in the head and we all laughed at him when he was whining. Emma threatened to not give him any more kisses and he instantly let go saying sorry and kissing Emma all over her face.


We arrived at the airport and we got on one of the private jets. I sit and talk to Emma but later on we just watch Criminal Minds.


"We're here Lily," Emma says, waking me up. I get up and stretch stepping out of the jet. We went inside the airport since Blake said he had to go to the restroom. There was a bathroom on the jet so why didn't he go there?

"Hurry" we all say so Blake can hurry out of the restroom. He steps out and we all get the car heading to the house. Once we arrive everyone parts way. My dad and brothers all go to a business shit. I could care less right now I want to live life. Emma and I decided to go out and explore the stores.


"Oooh, we should get some coffee" Emma says and I nod as we walk into the Cafe and order our drinks. When we step out we continue walking around. A few feet away I noticed a familiar figure and next to him was a man who seemed the same age holding a baby girl.

"Emma can you hold this" I ask Emma handing her my drink

"Yeah sure" she says and I tell her why. She nods and then I run to the figure jumping on their back.

"HADES" I say and he holds my leg and was about to do a flip so I could fall on the ground but luckily recognized my voice.

"Lily" he asks

"The one and only" I say getting off his back. I fixed my outfit which was some black high waisted jeans and sage green shirt pairing that with a black zip up sweater and white and sage colored old school vans. I was wearing a butterfly necklace and it was funny since Hades had a matching Butterfly ring.

He hugs me tightly and then we break apart. Emma was standing next to me and then I realized I didn't introduce myself.

"Sorry, Hi I'm Lilianne, but I go by Lily" he shakes my hand and smiles. I notice he is carrying a baby.

"Oh, this is my friend Emma" I say introducing Emma as she waves. "This is Carl, my younger brother," Hades says.

"By like 3 minutes calm down" Carl yells at Hades, making the baby cry.

"Look at what you did," Hades says, taking the baby from his brother. He soothes the baby and she plays with the ring on his finger.

"Lily, this is my daughter Katerina" Hades says showing us the baby. She had hazel-green eyes, brown hair and long eyelashes. She was adorable.

"Hi" I say and look at the baby who laughs when I bop her nose. "She's so adorable" I say and Hades laughs making a cocky comment "Well duh, I'm her father".

The baby begins crying. "I think she disagrees" Carl tells his brother. They try quieting her but she doesn't. I take her from her fathers hand and soothe her down. I lightly pat her back as her head rests on my shoulder. She starts falling asleep. She reminded me of Faith. I miss my baby.

"You are a godsend woman" Carl tells me, like he was praising me.

"She is a goddess" Hades says

"Yeah more than you that's for sure" Carl says and Hades punches his shoulder. Emma laughs and hands me my drink. I hold the baby with one hand and my coffee with the other.

"What are you guys buying" Hades asked us

"A gift" I say honestly, that was one of the main reasons we came.

"What about you guys?" Emma asks them

"We came to buy the last touches" Carl answers "Well, we just finished buying everything we should get going, see you tomorrow" Hades says and I carefully place Katerina in his arms. She fusses a bit but then gets comfortable in her fathers arm.

"Bye" I whisper, not wanting to wake up the baby. They wave and we part ways. I grab the bags from the guards who had joined us. They were waiting a few feet away giving us privacy. Emma had also got the baby a gift; she got a few sets of clothes. I got a custom made gift set that was a lavender bathing set and two pairs of shoes.

"He is such a good dad" Emma says and I nod in agreement. We got in the car and drove back home since it was getting late. 

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