Ch 25

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Ace's Pov:

I was so drunk last night I can't even remember what happened. "Ace, there's someone here to see you" My dad yells from the bottom of the staircase. I remember that Lily drove us here so that was exciting.

I walk downstairs and when I look at the door, I'm shocked. It can't be. She was dead. My love was dead. How. I love her. How. All these thoughts pass my head. I ran downstairs and hugged her.

"Anastasia" I say and she hugs me back

"Ace" she says

"I thought you were dead, they told me you died and what happened I looked and never found you" I say

"I wasn't dead, I don't know who took me but thankfully el Padrino found me and let me go, he gave me money and told me to run, he was going to deal with the guy, apparently he used someone he loves' ' she explains to me.

"I love you" I say and kiss her, she kisses me back and breaks the kiss.

"I love you too" she says and then shows me a necklace. It had her engagement ring on it.

"Where's yours" she asks me, I show her my ring, I always kept it on but stopped wearing it on the ring finger. She placed it on my finger. We sit in the living room.

"Im home bitches" A voice roars from the front door, she walks into the living room

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt carry on" she says and tries to walk upstairs but fails to look, hitting herself on the wall.

"Im sorry, I didn't introduce myself i'm Lilianne"

"I'm Anastasia,"Ana (Anastasia) says, introducing herself.

"LILIANNE" A voice yells walking downstairs

"I'm not here" lily says and runs to hide in the couch throwing a blanket over her.

"Who is she" Ana asks me

"Family friend, this is her house" I tell her

"I thought this was Romano's house" she says confused.

"It is, she's Mr. Romano's only daughter, she's the youngest '' I tell her and she nods in understanding.

"Ace, where's Lily" my dad asks me, I shrug.

"Come on son, tell me before the rest of the guys beat it out of you" he tells me, I point to the person laying on the couch.

"I FOUND HER YOU OWE ME 100 BUCKS ALEXANDER" my dad yells and directs it to Mr. Romano.

All the guys come running into the living room including Emma.

"Where" Ryder asks, my dad points to the couch.

Lilianne's POV:

"Where" I hear Ryder asks while I'm still laying covered in a blanket on the couch. FUCKING SNITCH OF ACE.

I feel someone pull the blanket off of me and I act like I just woke up yawning.

"Oh, hey guys what's up" I ask innocently

"Don't oh hey us, where the hell have you been" Aug asks me.

"On the couch sleeping" I say in a duh tone

"Lilianne did you just get here" my dad asks me and I shake my head a bit too soon proving that I'm telling a lie.

"Did you sleep over at Hades" he asks me

"Who's hades" I ask

"Come on lily just-" "SHE HAS HICKEYS" Emma yells interrupting my dad. I quickly grab the blanket and put it back on.

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