Ch. 17

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Ace's Pov:

I spot Lily in the bar talking with a man. I don't even know who it is but she seems very intrigued by him.

"Ace, let's dance please babe" Olivia whines to me

"No," I say, staying seated and drinking my glass of whiskey.

"Come on, One dance" she whines

"I said NO" I told her, raising my voice at her.

"Just dance with the girl so she can stop complaining" My dad says massaging his forehead clearly irritated.

I get up and grab her wrist roughly dragging us to the dance floor. Since it was already late in the night the music that is playing is more seductive and slowed. "Rock your body" by Justin Timberlake started playing slowed down.

Olivia brings our bodies closer and starts moving against me slowly trying to be seductive. I usually would enjoy this but something in my body tells me this is wrong. I let her dance and I just place my hands on her waist.

"I said I could cook and clean, I never said I could dance" I hear a voice from behind me say. I ignore it.

"Come on, at least try" I heard another voice but that one sounded familiar. It indeed sounded precious.

"I can only dance Cumbias and songs like that not this type of music" the voice from earlier says to her. Is she dancing with someone? I get jealous and firm Olivia's waist more firmly beginning to sway my body with hers.

"Alright just sway with me, and then after we can ask the Dj for a change of music" She tells him and the song changes into playing "The Hills" by the Weekend.

I turn us around so I can see Lily and once I do, jealousy invades every cell in my body. She has her back to the guy and he has his arms planted on her waist, she sways her body on his and they sway to the music together. She seems to have a small smile on her lip and he has a smile on his too. He whispers something into her ear and they both laugh together still dancing.

The music stops and they break apart. I get off the dance floor and Olivia goes to I don't know where. I sit and drink the remaining of my drink. "Suavemente" by Elvis Crespo starts playing.

I see the guy was with Lily grab her hand and take her to the dance floor both laughing. My body stiffens and I take the glass next to me drinking it.

Lilianne's Pov:

"I can only dance Cumbias and songs like that not this type of music" Hades says complaining.

"Alright just sway with me, and then after we can ask the Dj for a change of music" I tell him and the song changes into playing "The Hills" by the Weekend.

I sway my body with him and turn around as he grabs my waist. We dance for a while. I feel Hades lean in to whisper something in my ear.

"You owe me a dance after this" he says and we both laugh slightly. I nod and we continue dancing. Once the song finishes I walk over to the Dj with Hades.

Hades whispers something into the DJ's ear and he nods. Hades grabs my arm and drags me to the dance floor. Suddenly "Suavemente" starts playing and we start dancing.

"Come on you owe me a dance" He tells me and I follow him to the dance floor.

He places a hand on my waist and holds my other hand in the air. He starts dancing and I follow his lead. I know how to dance. I am not uncultured. He moves forward and side to side and we continue dancing. He lets the hand on my waist loosen and then twists me so I do a twirl from under the hand that is holding mine in the air. I do the twirl and then turn to the backside grabbing his hand from the back making him do a turn as well.

We continue dancing and the world is silent and blurry. We focus on each other. Once the song suddenly is about to end I feel Hades hand go to my back and do a drop. I look up to him in surprise and he gives me a smile. He brings me back up and we feel eyes on us. It was almost midnight.

"I'll text you about Saturday" he tells me "Goodbye Lily" he gives me a peck on the cheek and walks outside. I feel heat rise to my cheeks and walk towards where Emma and my family was sitting. 

"Alright it's time to go, let's say our goodbyes" my dad speaks and we get up. I grab my purse and Emma stands up holding my shoulder.

"Get some sis" she whispers in my ear returning to her boyfriend. I walk with them and we head to the Luciano table. I notice Ace sitting with a blonde haired girl, she has her lips on his neck and Mr. Luciano is sitting far away from them talking with someone. I do not need to see more people making out. I mean can you blame Ace? The girl he was with was absolutely breathtaking. Her hair was a dirty blonde and her hourglass figure helped a lot as well, but her aura seemed a bit off to me. I am no one to judge.

"Mr. Luciano, I am afraid we are leaving, I just wanted to say my goodbye's" I tell him and he stands up embracing me in a hug.

"Well, goodbye, make sure to visit us when you can, preferably next week we have a business meeting about the Mafia" he tells me and we break the hug. I nod and wave a goodbye to the man beside him politely. I turn around and walk towards my brothers who are talking to Ace and the girl. I can feel Emma's uneasiness from all the way here.

I walk over there and turn to Emma. "Hey, are they almost done" I ask her but as if on cue they hug and I face Ace.

"Goodbye" I say and hug him he tenses and I break away not wanting to make him uncomfortable. I turn to the girl and extend my arm. "Hi, I'm Lily nice to meet you" I say but she doesn't extend her arm. Rude. I back my hand back and grab Emma walking with her to the car. "We'll wait in the car," I tell them.

"She was a bitch" Emma says sitting in the car.

"I don't want to be quick to judge, maybe she was having a bad day" I say, cursing myself for being way too nice.

"You're too good for this" Emma tells me "But trust me she is a bitch"

"I am not, It's just I don't like to assume because what if I get the second hand embarrassment also I never know what people go through, I can be a bitch when I need to be but it doesn't mean I should always be one" I tell her she nods and then the door to the car open and the guys all get in the car.


Unknown Number;

Hey, Lily


Who is this?

Unknown Number;

It's me, Hade


Oh, hey Hade


Hey, did you get home safely


Yes, what about you


Yes, also on Saturday I'll pick you up and wear a ball gown, just send me a location where you want to meet


Will do, sorry I have to go, bye


Bye, be safe Bella <3

Once we get home, I go to my room and change then go straight to bed. I was exhausted. 

A/N: How is everyone enjoying this? 


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