Ch 36

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Hades Pov:

Its been ONE WHOLE FUCKING MONTH. I had men watching Lily and she was fine but still with the Doctor.

I think she's living with him because Last time when I went to do my check upon the Mafia's she wasn't there. I was aching to see or hear her voice.

Yesterday I had gotten rid of the threat that wanted to take Lily, I simply killed him in a fight. He was the one who came up with the Idea. I have Carl running business down there and today is the day I have to fight for her.

I grab my keys and head to the Doctors Condo. I get up the elevator and walk until I find his door. Once I open it I drop the flowers and hug her.

Lilianne's Pov:

"Get the door Sandro" I whine

"You get the door Im shirtless" he complains

"I'm wearing sweats and a sports bra, plus I can kinda see a bump showing" I complain to him.

"It doesn't matter if you're hot, I'm still hot but I have to sweat to make my abs shine," He says and I groan as I get up to open the door.

I opened the door and froze, I was pulled into a bone crushing hug. My body is still unmoving.

"Lily are you-" Sandro says, walking shirtless and sweaty. I feel Hades tense holding me.

"Look man, I don't know what you want but let the girl go" Sandro says, sizing up Hades. Hades loses the grip on my and I drop regaining breath while Sandro runs and crutches to make sure I'm fine.

"What the hell man" Sandro says mad "Who the hell are you"

"H-hades" I stutter and they both look down at me on the ground. I was wrapping an arm protectively on my stomach.

"Breath Lily, here" Sandro says, giving me a shirt and helping me up. Hades lets himself in and sits on the couch.

I regain my breath and confidence, "What are you looking for Hades" I ask him confidently.

"You" He says, looking me dead in the eye. I felt like falling in the warmth in his arms but I didn't I couldn't.

"You, broke us Hades you can't come back and demand I go back to you" I tell him surprisingly without a stutter.

"I didn't have a choice" he raises his voice

"You did, why didn't you just tell me a simple breakup would have been fine but did you have to say those things" I yell at him "You know my past and you dare to bring it up".

"I wasn't thinking, I needed you gone" He yells in the same tone as mine.

"You want to explain" I yell "Explain" I say standing crossed arms in front of him.

"I was threatened if I didn't get you out of my life then you would be killed and I got rid of the threat" He tells me. I see the honesty in his eyes.

"But why Hades, I-I tried talking to you and you just went and told me off" I said in a whisper.

"I know, I just tried getting you to hate me but I kept tabs on you" He talks to me. I see Sandro standing on the other wall crossed arm glaring at Hades.

"I want things to go back Lily, please forgive me" Hades pleads

"I can't, I need time, I understand you but the things you mentioned brought back memories opening scars I had tried so hard to close off, I mean I was tired Hades. I was tired of fighting the same battle. This year was supposed to be the year that I could answer the doctors no when they asked about abuse and be honest" I feel tears glistening in my eyes.

"Take all the time you need, I will give you time but I can't wait forever please forgive me" He pleads again.

"I love you Lily, I never stopped," Hades says and walks out. Once he's out I drop and slide down the wall sobbing. I was upset but I guess the pregnancy hormones also caused me to be more emotional. I wanted to puke and Sandro noticed grabbing a trash can and holding my hair up while I held the trash and soothing my back.


"I want french toast" I say randomly after crying for like 45 minutes. Hey I was hungry and that overpowers crying.

"No, you can not get french toast" Sandro says from the couch

"Pleeeeeease" I whine "Pretty pleeeeease"

"No" Sandro says not looking at me

"Please, you know you want some too" I try convincing him, he looks up to my eyes and gives in.

"Hah, I win fucker" I screech out

Sandro gets into the kitchen and starts making some. I quickly grab some ice cream and place it on top. I guess pregnancy cravings. Sandro gives me a look saying 'Really'.

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