Ch 29

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Lilianne's Pov:

"Suck it up" Anastesia shouts at Ace. "I was just shot," he screams. "It laser tag you pussy" She yells back at him. They are such a cute couple, I think it's been a month since they've been back in the main house so it's funny to see them acting like a married couple considering their wedding is in a week or something. They wanted it as soon as possible and since everything was already ready.

Anestesia asked me to be the main bridesmaid and I accepted. I was almost done planning the bachelorette party. Ryder was Ace's best man and right now we are playing Laser tag. Hades has grown on our families and I personally love him. Yup I love him now I just have to tell him.

"Lily" I hear a voice from behind me. I turn around slowly and spot Hades pointing the gun at me.

"Babe, don't do this" I tell him

"Why shouldn't I" he says smirking

"Ummm, I'll flash you if you let me go" I offer and his eyes widen and he nods his head immediately.

I lift up my shirt flashing him and then he turns around acting like nothing happened letting me run. I go and find a new hiding space. I spot Alessandrio and make my way over there.

"Alessandrio, I'm sorry" I say and he turns around

"WAIT" he screams

"What" I say

"I'll flash you my tits" he says in a high squeaky voice, I shoot him and he falls dramatically.

I run back to my hiding spot and then Ace comes back. The Luciano's and Hades plus Alessandrio are one team while the Romano's are another team. Matteo and Liam went on a date so they couldn't join and Cassidy got shot by Hades.

"Alessandrio, who did this" he says

"Go Ace, save yourself" he says and then closes his eyes sucking in a sharp breath. Everyone else got out and it's just Ace,Hades and I. Ace was back in the game since Anastasia was tired and they traded places. OH did I tell you she is pregnant.

I get out of my spot and shoot Ace. Now it's Hades and I. I spot Hades running and it's time for my acting skills to come out. "Owwww Ace" I say innocently. Hades comes out and checks if I'm fine. While he was walking to me I shot him and I got up like nothing happened.

"Whipped," Alessandrio says, still laying on the ground.

"That's mean" Hades whines

"We win," I say and everyone cheers. Hades is standing behind me and leans into whispering something into my ear. "I will never fall for that again amore".


I am currently making Hades drive to Joe Italian Ice. I was craving it so why not. Plus we had decided to drive around since Katerina was not sleepy. I don't think he knows how to get there but he claims he knows what he's doing. We listened to music. One Direction, Arctic Monkeys, Bad Bunny etc.

"I just wanna give you top at the red light" I said slowly as the song lyric just popped up randomly in my head. Has that ever happened to you, it always happens to me at the worst times and then I laugh.

"What" Hades asks me

"Nothing" I tell him

    "No, what did you just say" He tells me- more like demands

"I said I just wanna give you top at the red light" I whispered. I looked over to see if he heard me and his eyes went wide for a second but then his grip on the steering wheel tightened. In the corner of my eye I saw a twitch in his pants. He def heard me.

    "Do it then, the next light is red" He tells me with a stupid smirk on his face.

"What No, I was singing a song" I whisper yell at him

    "Are you scared?" he teases me knowing I don't back down from a dare.

"Fine, but if we crash it's on you" I tell him

Hades' Pov:

"We won't crash" I assure Lily, I know exactly where Joe's Ice is but I wanted to spend as much time with Lily before I go on my trip. My mom will be watching Katerina in my safe house in New Mexico. She was raised in Mexico so I bought her a safe house there. I took the longest route there and Katerina already fell asleep.

I feel as she unbuckled, my belt and then the button and zipper on my pants. She grips my d*ck with her hand and moves her hand stroking it. I grow hard and she slips my boxers low so she could get a better grip.

She moves her head down and we come to a stop at a red light. I feel as she flicks the tip and swirls with her tongue. She sucks and I groan in pleasure, she then massages the rest that doesn't fit and bops her head up and down.

"Fuck, Amore don't stop" I groan as she bops her head. I grab her head and move it at a more rapid speed and she deepthroats. I know for a fact she doesn't have a gag reflex.

"Fuck, baby, it feels so good, keep going" I say in a deep voice and she begins massaging me at the same time while she sucks. I come at her hand techniques and mouth techniques.

She swallows it all and the rest on her finger she places it in her mouth sucking it slowly maintaining eye contact. That shit is hot. I readjust my pants and then continue driving to Joe's Ice. Once we get there, we buy some and eat it in peace.

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