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Hades Pov:

Knock knock

Knock knock

"Who the fuck- Lily" I say opening the door

"No, its la llorona" She says rolling her eyes

"Come in" I say and help her in, she was wearing a sundress.

"Come In Sandro" She says and Sandro comes out from hiding in the car.

I watch him step inside with her and we sit in the living room. I think it's been a week and a half since I last saw her.

"I'm coming home, but if you pull a stunt like that again I will leave and the only reason you aren't dead is because you have kids to take care of" She says. At Least i'm not dead, Thank you kids, Wait kids as in plural.

"Kids" I ask

"Oh yeah, forgot to tell you I'm pregnant" She says and Sandro laughs at her.

"You're pregnant," I say excited. She nods and I hug her. I swear I would cry happy tears. I kiss all over her face.

"I'm going to be a dad" I say

"Again" she says, "Sandro, meet Hades" and Alessandro stands up hugging me.

"I love Lily and she loves you but if you hurt her again I will stop having a clean record because I will kill you" He tells me.

"How far along are you" I ask her, she shrugs

"7 almost 8 weeks" Sandro says "Do not let her near any of these smells or food" He tells me and hands me a list. "I have to go, Lily, call me if you need anything," Sandro says and hugs her goodbye.

I see Lily walking upstairs, "Are you going to follow me or not" She asks me and I run up the stairs following her. Once we enter Our room she takes me by my shirt and sits me down on the bed and straddles me.

"What are you doing" I ask holding her waist

Mature Scene:

"Shut up, I'm mad but these hormones make me horny so if you don't shut up and fuck me I will have someone else do it" She tells me and I kiss her roughly on the lips as she grinds on my body. "Mine" I growl.

She kisses me back and pushes me to lay on the bed as she position herself on top of me.

"I love you" I say

"I love you" She tells me and I trail kisses on her neck leaving marks. I turn us around and take her dress off. She tugs at my shirt and I take it off.

I look down and she was wearing a dark red colored lingerie set. Fuck. I take one of her breast in my hand while I trail my finger to her very wet clit.

She arches her back and I put a finger inside her aching pussy. I pump in and out and add another finger stretching her out.

"Hades" She moans making the 9 inches in my pants harden even more.

"Oh- oh god" she moans when I increase the speed and place my mouth sucking on her breast.

"Fuck me already" she tells me and unbuttons my jeans and I slip them down along with my boxers. I don't bother putting on a condom she is already pregnant.

I unclip her bra and rip her panties off. I don't wait and thrust into her roughly she screams in pleasure.

"I missed you baby" I tell her

"I missed you- oh god - faster" She moans

I do as told and thrust faster and rougher. I groan as her wall tighten around my dick and her legs shake while she climaxes I climax inside her.

I was about to get off of her but she pushes me down on the bed.

"Where the fuck do you think your going" She asked me

"I was getting up to-" she didnt let me finish my sentence and sat straddling me.

"I don't think that was enough Im still horny" She told me

I lift her up and place myself inside her. "Ride me" I tell her and she complains moving her hips. I groan and she throws her head back moaning.

"Fuck baby" I groan as she increases her speed

"Oh, oh" She moans and climaxes I climax as well

She finally gets off of me and then puts on her panties with a oversized shirt that she had in her bag. It wasn't mine.

"Who's shirt is that" I ask sitting up

"Sandro's " She says and soon looks at me wanting something.

"What do you need" I ask softly

"Churros" she says

"Alright then" I say and get dressed calling Ale to pick me up some Churros.


"I brought churros" Ale screams walking in and Lily gets up running to the churros.

I follow and see Ale holding them up so she has to jump to get them. She gives up and then goes to a drawer when she returns she has a gun and points it to Ale.

I heard her mutter 'fucking tall asshole even though I can jump I'm lazy'

"Give me my fucking churros you asshole" She tells him and he doesn't listen lifting it up higher. She takes the safety off and Ale gives her the bag. She pecks his cheek and puts the gun away sitting on the couch.

"What's up with her" He asks me

"Pregnancy hormones" I tell him, he nods and begins walking away till he slowly turns around.

"You got her pregnant" He whisper-yells at me, I nod proudly.

"Lily I missed you, Hades was miserable without you" Ale screams running to hug Lily. Dickhead

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