Ch 22

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Ace's Pov:

"Hurry up Ace, we are going to be late" My dad says from the car

"I'm sitting in the car already, jeez" I tell him, rolling my eyes. He smacks me head cussing me out in spanish.


"I was wondering when you guys where going to get here" Mr.Romano says

"Ace was doing his hair," My dad says. OK. So what if I was Lily was going to be here today.

"Well, we need to talk in private just me, Ryder, you, and Ace" Mr.Romano says

We nod and we all walk into a private room. "What is it, you seem like you just saw a ghost" My dad asks Mr.Romano.

"It's Lily, she knows the Padrino" Mr. Romano explains and my dad is sitting shocked. Ryder and I have heard stories about the Padrino. He was the boss of the bosses, the most powerful man, he trusted us so he never really checked in on us. He checked the small mafias more than the big ones.

"What, How" Ryder asks

"You know the Hades guy, he's the Padrino, we've only met him once" Mr. Romano explains.

"He's the Padrino, but how, he's nice especially to Lily" Ryder says. Lily,

"Maybe you're mistaken" I say

"I'm not mistaken," he says and shows us a photo where he is next to Lily who is holding a baby. Can she be the mom. I mean how is she involved with him.

"Who the baby" I ask without realizing

"His daughter" Ryder says processing everything

"Do you think Lily knows?" My dad asks

"No" her dad replies

"How does she know him" I ask

"I don't know, we will have to ask her" Ryder says "When's the time right" I add. We all agree and walk outside.

Hades' Pov:

"Padrino" one of my men say

"Que" I ask (What)

"Tu hermano, quiere hablar contigo" (your brother wants to talk to you), he says.

"Send him in" I say

"Gian" my brother says coming in

"What do you want" I ask him

"I saw how you look at that girl plus you never have been so nice and respectful ever in your life, also we found the guy who had touched her as a kid" He says and I smirk getting up excited to torture the fucker.

I had someone get information on her. Lilianne Hope Romero, daughter of Alexander and Margaret Romero, step father: Albert White deceased, tortured and abused in all ways his step daughter mother ran off and father recently found his daughter. Daughter : Faith Romero stillbirth.

I get up and walk to the cells. I find number 506 where we are keeping some guy who enjoyed her but knows he's going to die.

Trigger warning: blood, gruesome

I made my way over to him, I cut his tongue not wanting to hear screams. I place it in his mouth and grab the needle stitching his mouth shut, making him chew his tongue. I then unclothed him, tying him on a wooden table that will surely leave splinters. I grab my blade cutting his balls off. I cut off his nose and he slowly starts dying. I was almost done with him till my brother put a bullet through his head. I was angered.

"Why the fuck did you do that" I yell at him holding him against the wall

"You need to call her and ask her to hangout, I see how much you like her" he says and I drop him to the ground. I realize he has a point plus Katrina seems to like her.

I grab my phone from my office and diel her number. I wait for her to answer.


"Hey, hades"

"Umm Lily"

"What's up"

"I was wondering if you wanted to hangout with me and Katerina tomorrow afternoon"

"Yeah, sure we can meet at the coffee place from last time"

"Yeah, alright see you then"

"Bye" she says and hangs up.

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