Chapter Fifteen: Goodbye

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The two were quiet in the car into Fuyumi spoke.

"So that's him huh"


"You know, the guy you have a crush on."

"Oh! Um, y-yes."

"Really!? Huh, he's kinda cute."

"Fuyumi..." Shoto muttered, he wished he can disappear. It was obvious that he was embarrassed.

"Oh don't be embarrassed!"

She spoke glancing at shoto and then back on the road. It was quiet for a bit. Suddenly his sister smile began to fade as they drove closer to the house.

"Someone called dad, said something about you sneaking off to see someone."

That immediately caught Shotos attention.

"Huh? Who?"

"I don't know. I asked dad and he didn't say anything, began yelling and demanding you to return home."

"How did someone even kept contact with him?"

"Exactly what I thought, that's where the mystery lands though. Someone contact him through his personal phone."

Shoto looked down at his feet.

"Does....Does he know...?"

"I don't think so."

Shoto put his hand over his face.

" you know anyone that you may have accidentally gave fathers number too?"


"I understand. Well I'll try to calm dad alright. Don't worry."

"Thank you Fuyumi"

"No problem"

They pulled up in the driveway, the two left the car. Shoto was hesitant. He was very behind his sister who didn't say anything. She opened the door to the house.

Shoto stood outside for a while thinking to himself. He couldn't think of anyone who would tell his father about seeing Bakugou. Surly he told him about hanging with his friends but the way his sister phrase it made him worry.

He entered the house and slowly walked to his main dining room. As he was approaching it he heard his sister and father arguing.

'This is bad....'

He looked at the handle. He took a deep breath and open the door to see his sister and father across the table from each other. The yelling stopped as he entered the room.

"Shoto." His sister muttered.

Shoto looked at her and did a small smile "I should deal with...this..."

Fuyumi frowned and walked to him. She put her hands on her shoulder.

"Sorry, I couldn't really do much..." She mumbled to him. He nodded and she walked pass him. Closing the door behind her. The room was silent for a while as his father glared at shoto.

"Shoto, is it true?"

"What is exactly." His mouth felt dry.

"It has come to my attention that you have been using excuses such as hanging with your 'friend's' to see a boy."

Shoto felt his body shaking. He looked everywhere, not wanting to face his dad. He felt as his world was collapsing.

"Beats me, I have several friends, I haven't have a clue what you're tal-"

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