Chapter Twelve: The Texts

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The two didn't talk that day at all. Not into Bakugou finally manage to go home.

He went in his room exhausted. Bakugou grabbed his phone and turned it on. It was fully charged, he sighed in relief and opened Shotos messages. He looked down confused. 'the messages, they're completely gone? Did he erase them? why...?'

He didn't understand for a second but turned his phone off. 'maybe he didn't mean to say whatever he typed..." it was odd but that exact moment he felt oddly sad. He remembered that Shoto was hanging out with Midoriya but he didn't wanna look too deep into it.  

'Deku...tsk whatever!' he pouted, he felt his phone vibrate. he looked at his phone in excitement but realized it was just Kirishima. 

'We should go out more! It was a blast!'

Bakugou sighed and smiled to himself a bit. Even if he was disappointed by it that small text made him glad. 'I should text him, i cant let him carry the conversation forever! Yeah that's right!'

He replied back to Kirishima with a  'sure whatever' and went back to Shotos conversation. 

'Yo half n half bastard what the hell is this silent treatment!'

Bakugou nodded to himself proudly with his starter conversation. He put his phone down on his night stand and laid on his bed looking up at the ceiling.  "That should be good!"


Shoto was walking with Midoriya on his way home. He volunteered to walk Shoto home for some reason. It was odd and so was the others. Once they met at the meeting place they seemed giggly and smiling at shoto quite weirdly. But Shoto, like always, didn't find it too strange.

Midoriya commonly asked for Shotos phone. He usually kept it for a long time. Todoroki wanted to ask why it took him long to find these so called ingredients but never got to bring it up. It drained his battery but he never really checked to see the percentage. 

Deku was humming to himself. "what song is that?" shoto was bringing up small talk.

"Oh just a silly melody i heard a while back!"

"It sounds calming."

"Really? Well i might become a singer"

"A singer?" Todoroki looked confused and Deku just chuckled "Its a joke!"

Shoto thought about it and nodded. "I see."

"I-It shouldn't be too hard to understand!"


"So Shoto when are you leaving?"

"I believe Monday, or maybe tomorrow night."

"Tomorrow night?"

"Its a possibility."

"Well I hope to see you in the party!"

"Of course."

He felt his phone ring. He grabbed it and saw a message from Bakugou.

Shoto smiled and immediately opened it.

"Silent treatment? What's that? " He asked Deku who frowned and thought to himself.

"Well it usually means ignoring someone!!"


"You know..when someone is ignoring the other"

"So that's what it is. I had a feeling it was. I was just making sure, I didn't wanna misunderstood him. "

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