Chapter Ten: The Plan

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The end of school finally came.

"Let's go Bakugou!" Katsuki looked up to see kirishima. Bakugou glanced behind him to see Shoto. He was saying his farewells to his friends as well.

Shoto then looked at his phone with an angry look. "Go ahead, I'mma stay for a while." He growled out. Kirishima rubbed his neck and muttered. "I'll wait with you..."

"Tsk, go home!" Bakugou whined and looked out the window. Kirishima frowned and nodded. "Alright, see you during summer.."


Kirishima hesitated but did so. Deku was staring Kirishimas way after Bakugous small outburst.

Midiorya looked back at shoto and asked "hey Todoroki can I walk with you today!"


"Well ummm...i don't see why not!"

"I suppose that's alright."

That's all bakugou needed to hear for him to get up and swing his bag on and leave the classroom. Shoto looked at him confused as he left the class. 'Usually he waits for me...' Shoto thought.

Bakugou didn't even bother looking at shoto. Instead Shoto couldn't get a good look at his face.

Deku just smiled and grabbed Shotos arm and pulled it. Shoto looked down at him confused.

"Come on Todoroki let's go!"

Shoto nodded and walked with him after Deku let him go. Deku was humming while shoto was thinking to himself.

'Does Bakugou hate me now?'

"Hey Todoroki!"

That snapped Todoroki back to reality.


"About the party..i was thinking we should do it on Sunday!"


"Yeah since you know...your dad wants you to go to a training camp next week I think you should enjoy yourself the last day...don't you think?"

"Oh, that's right. The date will be fine with me." Shoto agreeded and Midioryas eyes sparkled. 'I haven't told Bakugou about the camp...'



"Is Bakugou attending too?"

Deku stopped in his tracks and Shoto did too. He looked at the back of his head.

"Yes" Deku spoken quickly. The tone in his voice sounded a little harsh but maybe it was Shotos imagination.


"Why?" He spoked immediately after.

Shoto thought about it and said again "I don't know, I was just wondering."

Deku turned to see shoto again and smiled.

"Hahaha you saw the most weirdist things you know!"

He gradded his arm again and pulled so he can follow Deku. Shoto was confused why he was clinging onto him like that. 'Is this what friends do? ' he wonderd.


Bakugou was walking home alone. It's been a while since he had. "Stupid Todoroki." He muttered as he got home. He looked at his house. He put his hand on his fence.

He couldn't help but think about shoto. He hated how he thought about him even if he wasn't there. He harshly opened the gate and entered his home.

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