Chapter One: The Encounter

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Bakugou looked at the letter that came in mail for him. It was the school he had been trying and working his ass off for. He swallowed hard and opened the letter up.

The boy was in his room, sitting in his comfortable bed. The letter finally ripped open. There, a piece of paper was folded neatly.

He unfolded and read the letter carefully.

And read it again

And again

And again.

His eyes widen and he immediately got up from his bed and ran out his room. In the entrance of his room he yelled out.


The women who was the boys mother looked at him confused "Don't call me old hag!" Bakugou ignored her statment and holded up the letter to her face. He smiled with a prideful stance.



Shoto sat in the dinner table with his arms across his chest. He was tapping his foot annoyed.

"Shoto, I'm telling you to attend this school to get yourself a life!"

The man who was his father yelled at him. A letter was crumbled on the table. It was a recommended letter.

"If you attend this school you'll-"

"Listen father, like I told you before, theres no way I'll attended that school. It's idiotic. Why should I do something that I'm not interested in? Why can't I attend a public school like the rest of the kids?"

He slammed his fist on the table making Shoto flinched. "I told you you'll attended this school and bring honor to this family instead of shame. Do I make myself clear?"

Shoto bit his lip and avoided eye contact. "Yeah..." He whispered.

His father got up from the table and left Shoto in the dining room alone. He looked at the paper and grabbed it. He reread it and made a tsk sound before crumbling it up more and throwing it somewhere in the room. He stood up and walked to his bed room.


Bakugou looked at the school. He felt himself smiling to himself like a dumbass. He shook his head
'Get it together Katsuki!'
He yelled to himself. He took a deep breath and walked in front of the gate.

He barely had any sleep because he was so excited, he felt like a little kid. Bakugou had this natural bitch resting face.

Because of this people were always scared to approach him which wasn't all that shocking. He heard small whispers from behind and next to him while walking around the hallways finding his classroom. He was starting to get pissed.

It was annoying that people talk about you when they didn't know who you were. He was able to hear some of there statements though.

"He looks kinda scary? They let people like him in this school?"

"I think that's Bakugou Katsuki, yeah remember how he was about to pick a fight with a higher classmen in the welcome assembly."

"Jeez he's harsh, why is someone like him doing here? "

"I heard that he was a delinquent back in his middle school and elementary days!"

"I heard he was in a gang!"

"He beats up kids for fun and makes fun of them after."

"Again why is he here. The world will be better without people like him you know."

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