Chapter Five: The movies

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Time flew by and slowly Bakugou and Shoto got a little closer.

He reached his hand out and let the rain drops hit his palm.

'Damn it, I didn't think it'll rain!' He complained.

He put his arm down and looked at the rain fall. 'Great what am I supposed to do now, I'll get wet and get sick. The old hag well just say it's my fault for not thinking one step ahead.' He gripped his bag tightly and took a deep breath. "I'll just have to run then"

"If you run you'll slip." A soft voice said.

Bakugou look behind him and Shoto was standing there. He had an umbrella hanging from his arm. He walked next to bakugou and opened the umbrella.

"I can take you home."

"H-h-huh I don't need your h-help!" He blushed and turned around pouting.

"But you'll get wet and get sick, I don't want you to be sick. We'll miss you too much."

Bakugous eyes widen. Did he hear that correctly? He stuttered even more.
"I-I-I'll b-be f-fine!"

He shouted and left the building running out of embarrassment and shock. He placed both his hand on his cheek. 'What's his deal?' He thought not paying much attention on the path ahead of him. He accidentally slipped. Before his back can hit the ground Shoto quickly went to his aid and grabbed him. Wrapping his arm around his waist. "I told you to be careful."

He opened his umbrella so the water won't hit his nor his own face. Bakugou felt his world spinning. 'C-c-close!!'

He immediately got off Shoto arms and patted himself acting like nothing happened. "I told you I'll be fine!"

"Please, at least let me take you home."

Bakugou crossed his arms and mumbled. "Okay..."


"I SAID OKAY, IT'S NOT LIKE I WANNA TALK OR HANG OUT WITH YOU OR ANYTHING SO HURRY UP!" He shouted shoving his hands in his pocket. Shoto smiled slightly and put the umbrella over both there heads.

They walked quietly to Bakugous house. Katsukis face was red the whole time and Shoto was just looking straight ahead.

Once they reached there destination Bakugou decided to speak up. "Well don't expect a thank you!" He yelled as he opened his gate and basically ran to his porch. Shoto stood behind the gate and nodded waving at him. Bakugou turned and acted as if he was trying to unlock the door but really it was already open. Bakugou just wanted to talk to Shoto more, though he'll never admit to that.

"Hey, Bakugou."

Bakugou turned his head and saw Shoto still behind his gate. "How would you like to go out sometime."


"Yeah like hang out. I know this may be out of the blue but I figured maybe we can know each other more. " He said confidently like as if has been practicing to say those lines in a mirror.

Bakugou eyes widen and turned his head back at the door. 'What do I say.' He tightly gripped the door knob and took a deep breath.

"Well lucky for you half n half bastard I'm not busy!"

He yelled, Shoto was also relieved and continued. "How about this up coming Saturday? We can watch the new horror movie that came out."

Bakugou smiled to himself. "Yeah I'll like that."


"uh I mean-YEAH WHATEVER HALF N HALF JUST LEAVE ALREADY JEEZ!" He shouted and entered his house shutting it behind him. "See you tomorrow at school." He said to himself as he left Bakugous house feeling happy then usually.

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