Chapter Eight: The Invitation

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Bakugou was getting ready for one more day of hell.

There first year finally came to an end and even though he naturally would stay home for the last day he couldn't. He didn't even know why himself. He just wanted to attend.

Bakugou was walking his way home and spacing out. 'I wonder what Todoroki has in plan' he snapped out of it and shooked his head. "Like I care!" He yelled to himself and went to his typical resting bitch face. He was looking around and saw students walking with there friends. All in groups of 3 or more. He lowered his head and shoved his hands in his pocket. "Whatever" He muttered.

While approaching closer to the school he saw Todoroki, he lited up and was about to approach him but stopped himself immediately.

Midiorya walked to Shoto and started a conversation with him. Shoto was making small talk with him too. Bakugou stopped and saw the two walking further and further away from him.

He couldn't help but frown. He didn't know why. After looking at the back of Shoto he swore he saw deku glance at him for a brief second. Bakugou was confused.

"What the fuck?" He mummbled. It almost seemed like Midiorya was mocking him.

"What's wrong Bakugou!!" Kirishima yelled and swinged his arm around Katsuki. "Oh it's you." He growled out and just pushed him off. He began walking again. Kirishima looked at him confused but smiled and ran back to his side.

"So Bakugou what did you bring for lunch?!"

"It's 7 a.m and you're thinking about lunch already."

"Hahaha--oh right it is 7!"

"Did Denki rub his stupidity on you or what?"

"No it's just that, how do I say this. Well you're more early then usual and I'm kinda surprise that you came...and happy.." Kirishima mumbled the last part.


"I mean Denki and mina didn't even bother waking up and Sero...well he was the same."

"What did you expected?"

"Now it's only us, I was asking if you brought anything for lunch because I wanted to go somewhere!"

"Why the hell would I go out with you?"

"Not go out! Well yeah g-go out but like a nice place!"

"Like ditching school?"


"I didn't think you were the ty--"


"Geez if you're gonna change your mind that quickly then don't bother!"

"Yeah my bad!"


Shoto glanced behind him and saw Kirishima and Bakugou talking.

"Hey Todoroki, so what do you think?"


"You know, about my idea?"

"Sorry I was spacing out."

Midiorya pouted and sighed. "I was asking if you had any plans and if not then we can go to the beach."

"Oh, that. Sure I guess. Who else would be coming?"

"Everyone in the class!" Deku smiled. "Everyone?"


"Oh--well I'll try my best to attend."

"I would really look forward to seeing you there!"

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