Chapter Four: The Lunch

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Shoto was walking to his school. Momo suddenly came behind him. "Hey shoto, how was the weekend?"

Shoto looked at her and sighed "fine."

"Did Bakugou give you a hard time?"

"No, it's just-"

"Stop being a dumbass!" A voice yelled behind them. Shoto looked towards the noise and show Bakugou yelling at kirishima and Denki.

"Oh come on Bakugou wasn't it funny?!"

"What's gonna be funny is me kicking your ass if you two don't shut up!"

Kirishima and Denki just laughed at his threat.

Shoto looked in awe. "Hey Shoto?"

"Oh sorry must have spaced out, so how was your weekend."

"Oh amazing! I have so much to tell you!"

Shoto smiled as he heard momos weekend. She was so delighted to hang around her crush and how she knew more about her. Shoto kinda envy her.

While hearing her time he slowly started to think about his time with Bakugou. It confused him.

He expected to be annoyed by him the whole time but he surprisingly wasn't. He didn't know why. He looked forward to hanging out with him every time the hour came. But why? Shoto thought he hated him. Doesn't he? Even if they weren't together he still thought about him. He still wondered how he was doing and curious, wanted to know more about him. He smiled thinking about it.

"Shoto are you okay? What happened to you during the weekend? I'm kinda concerned."

"Sorry, must have spaced out again. Nothing everythings fine, I promise."

"Yeah well schools about to start so we just hurry inside."

Todoroki nodded.


The class begin and shoto seemed that he couldn't take his eyes away from Bakugous back. He couldn't even focus on his notes.

Momo looked at shoto and caught the red and white head glancing at Bakugou

"Shoto are you sure you're okay?"

Todoroki eyes widen and immediately looked down at his notebook. "I'm fine I swear."

Momo gave him a small smile "whatever you say."

The time continued and Shoto made sure he didn't make it obvious, but it was kinda difficult because it may not look like it but Bakugou was smart and always got the answers right. His voice always distracted him.

As for Momo she was doing her work and daydreaming, probably about her crush.

The bell was getting closer for lunch.

Shoto was wondering, wondering why he felt this way? Mybe he should ask Momo.

He tapped momos shoulder getting her attention.

"I was wondering, you and Jirou, how do you exactly feel around her?"

"huh? Oh well I- she just makes me feel this way, I can't explain it. I get butterflies in my stomach. She makes me feel happy hanging around her. And I always look forward to talking to her- ah i must have been talking to much."

"I see, well i guess that explains why you stare at her a lot."

"Gaah y-you-"

Shoto smiled and the bell rang. It was already lunch. He laid back and took his bag out. Shoto always brought his own lunch. He opened his bag and froze. 'Ah that's right, I gave my lunch box to Bakugou yesterday.'

He slowly closed his bag and put it aside. He didn't bring money with him either. He face palmed and stood like that for a while.

He heard footsteps approach him. He thought it might be Momo but once he lifted his head the classroom was empty and Momo wasn't now where insight.


He looked to his right to see a Bakugou looking at his feet squirming around nervously, he had his hands behind his back and a light blush.

"Tsk h-here!" He gave him a lunchbox with a cute blue cloth around it, chopsticks holding it together.

He grabbed it gently, he placed it on his table and undid the cloth setting the chopsticks aside.

He opened it and saw a very cute lunch set.


"Thanks" Shoto smiled slightly. Bakugou grabbed his bag and pouted. "Well don't think I'll do this again for you okay!" He quickly left the classroom leaving shoto alone.

He looked back at the lunch given to him and sat down and picked up his chopsticks. He started to eat it and couldn't help but melt, the food was beyond delicious. In a way it reminded him of his mothers cooking.

"Sorry for leaving you I was talking to Jirou!"

Shoto looked at Momo "oh it's alright."

Bakugou was walking to the cafeteria he stopped halfway and clutched his chest. His heart was beating and his face was red as a tomato "Idiot."

~822 words~

I changed it a bit, I kinda made Todoroki never really experienced love and homeschooled until now! Hope this doesn't confuse you guys

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