Chapter Two: The Project

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Bakugou growled at Shoto. 'Why does this type of stuff always happen to me?'

Bakugou raised his fist and began to aim. Todoroki knew how to defend himself, after all he was forced to take several material arts but never did he use them.


Before shoto can even blink and the ash blonde can hit a tall red haired boy immediately grabbed the blondes arm and pulled him away. "YOU CAN'T BE STARTING FIGHTS FOR NO REASON."


The red hair man was Kirishima Eijirou, another person who was at the same class as Shotos.

Todoroki saw the two argue but unlike Shotos situation bakugou didn't bother fighting the red hair or even dared raise a hand.

'They must be friends?'


A women's voice yelled as the girl cut through the crowded.

"Are you okay?! What happened!?"

Shoto sighed as he saw a worried momo.


"But I heard that-"

Shoto walked past Momo and into the crowd.

"Just a kid tryna pick a fight."

"Oh" Momo quickly followed shoto.

Kirishima shook his head. "You need to control that temper of yours." He dragged bakugou out of the circle the people were forming. "Tsk, don't tell me what to do." Bakugou mumbled. The crowd groaned in disappointment as they wanted to watch a fight.

They left the hallways and went on to what they were original doing.

Todoroki was talking to Momo the whole lunch period. Once the bell rang they went to there class and sat down.

"I heard that you and Bakugou almost got in a fight." A girl with green hair spoke.

'Oh so the news are already changing the story' shoto thought as he let out a disappointed sigh. "No we didn't." The girl nodded "I see I just wanted to make sure these rumors were true."

"Well they aren't." Shoto took out his notebook and pencil. The girl smiled slightly and agreed with him. She went back to her desk before the teacher could see her out of her seat.

Bakugou went inside the class room with four other people behind him. The classroom went silent for a good 2 seconds before the mumbling started again.

"What's up with them." A male with black hair behind bakugou said.

"Kirishima didn't tell you? Our bakugou here tried to pick a fight with Todoroki!" Denki stated. Sero, the male with black hair, sighed and shook his head. "Do you always cause trouble?"

"Shut up before I kill you."

"That's our bakugou!" A girl with pink hair shouted.

He sat on his desk and put his feet on the table. The four of them surrounded him talking to each other. They obviously caught shotos attention. He looked at the back bakugou.

"How did someone like him get in here?"

The door opened again to reveal the teacher. All the students ran back to there seat.

The day was going on smoothly. Nothin bad was happening and no one mentation the drama back in the hallway. At least that's what shoto thought.

The last class of today. Mr. Aizawa took out a couple of packets out.

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