chapter eighteen: The Letter

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Shoto stood on the roof the whole day. Leaning against the railing watching the trees sway back and forth.

The last bell rang.

He didn't wanna leave, didn't wanna face his family. He hated everything that has happened.

"Damn it, I should have listened to momo-- why did I have to jump to conclusions!"

He stood there and saw the people leave. He spotted a certain blonde haired man. He was leaning against the gate. Waiting for someone. Shoto couldn't help but watch him from afar.

"Who's he waiting on?"

To no surprise it was kirishima running towards him, waving at the man. Kirishima put his hand over his shoulder as the two started to walk off together.

Shoto felt a strong sting in his heart. He pulled himself back up and started to walk towards the exit of the roof. Stopping to see a women.

She was holding something in her hands. A lollipop stick sticking out of her mouth and sunglasses to make her seen 'cool' her bright pink hair was badly attempted at being slicked back. She walked towards shoto. Trying to act like a type of ninja off on a mission. She started nudging the envelope towards shoto.

"Mina? Correct?"


Shoto raised a brow but looked at the note. He took at and looked at it for a while before opening his mouth "what's this?" He looked up word but Mina was nowhere to be seen. 'She must have dashed back down stairs.'

Shoto was debating if he should even bother opening it. He sighed and shoved it in his pocket.

He walked home alone, making sure people left the campus earlier.

As he arrived home be quietly enter his room. In his own house he felt like a target. If his dad spotted him he'll definitely get a lecture about school. So he found ways to avoid him when entering his home.

He laid in bed looking at the envelope that contains a letter within. Shoto brought it up towards the beam of light in the center of the room expecting to see what exactly was inside.

He was interpreted with a knock at his door.
He quickly tossed the note under his pillow and spoke "yes?"

"Hey Shoto it's me."

His sister said through the door. He let out a sigh of relief.

"You may enter."

She opened the door and saw him sitting on his bed. She smiled and closed the door. She sat besides him, pulling out her phone and shaking it as if she was tryna show him something.

"Your school called"


She touched his cheek and he winced in pain.

"You got into a fight with him. Shoto..."

He turned quickly and made eye contact with the wooden flooring.


"You know what. What did you do?"

"I.. I don't know, I've messed up and I- I don't know what to do, I'm so frustrated with myself. Why did I say that? What was I even thinking? How dumb can I possible be?"

"Shoto you're not dumb-"

"YES--" He turned his head towards her. His tears daring to drop.

"Yes.. Yes I am, I lost everything...all my work to make this work. It's all gone Fuyumi do you understand. Everything!"

He clenched his bed sheets, blinking quickly to prevent his tears from dropping hoping they would be gone.

She didn't say anything but instead leaned in and hugged him gently.

"I understand what it means to lose everything Shoto. And my best advice that I wish I have gotten was to never lose hope. " she put her hand on his uninjured cheek.

"Shoto you love him. I've seen it. Don't do the same mistake we did. Yes you may have destroyed your building but you still have the foundation to rebuild it shoto."

" what if I dont."

"Then find it again, and don't ever stop. If you love him then try your best and if your best doesn't work then rest and come back better."

Shoto looked at her confused but smiled softly. "Shoto don't transfer home rooms."

He also forgot about that too.

"I'll cover for you but please don't give up."

"Cover for me?"

"Yes, I know I can't be always around but I promise when I am I'll make sure father doesn't know. "

"I don't think I can face him"

"You may never be ready to face him Shoto. That's why you gotta push through, own up to your actions."

He nodded

She stood up "as for your cheek I'll talk to Father about it, I'll make it work out somehow."

She left his room and he laid back on his bed. He grabbed the letter and opened it, this time confident.

It read:

"Hey Todoroki,

You're probably wondering what's up with this letter like if it's the medieval times. But I don't wanna risk anyone knowing so please burn this after!

I kinda heard about you and Katsuki and how you like him. Listen don't mess this up, I know what happened between you two but don't let this ruin everything! I believe in you two, I know you'll make something work out. So that's why I wanna invite you somewhere. On Friday next week go to the back of the school, where the tree that has a bench underneath, there's a water fountain near by-- im sure you heard about it, they call it the lovers bench because of the couples. Yeah go there! You won't regret it!

P.s don't tell anyone!



Shoto folded the paper. He looked around and didn't find anything that can light it up. He left his room and walked to the fire place. There was a lighter near it, as he grabbed it and lit the letter over the fire place he heard a rough voice over him.

"What are you doing Shoto Todoroki."

He immediately dropped the burning letter and stood up.


"I asked you a question."

"Nothing just burning an invitation letter."

"To what?"

"It was a invitation letter to a friends get together but I denied the invitation as I must focus on my studies sir."

His father walked towards him as he was speaking. He grabbed his chin roughly and turned his head back and fourth, examining his face.

"So you injured yourself, your sister has told me you weren't paying attention and hit yourself pretty hard on a street lamp. "

"Yes father, my mind was wondering elsewhere. "

"Tsk don't let that happen again. " he let go of his face and crossed his arms.

"The last thing I want is a moron son being the cover of my business, this better be fixed before your photoshoot next Friday. Don't forget Shoto."

He spat out and turned away. Mumbling to himself.

Shoto clenched his fist, "don't worry father I won't forget."

~1200 words~

How old is this book??!
Who cares anyways- so I think I decided to give y'all a break and like make a happy ending! Yay :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2022 ⏰

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