Chapter Three: The Weekend

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Shoto looked in his mirror. He adjusted his clothing seeing if anything looked weird. Why did he care how he looked again?

Todoroki heard his door open. He turned around and saw his sister smiling. "You're leaving now?"

"Yeah" he said and grabbed his bag. He walked past his sister and towards the exit out of his house.

"Well I wish you luck." Shoto stopped in the doorway putting on his shoes. He turned around and looked back at his sister.

"Now why would you wish me luck, it's just a get together so we can finish the project."


Shotos eye twitch and quickly left the house once he was done putting his shoes on.

"Like anyone would date that savage." He growled out. He left the house and started headed to the park.


Bakugou yawned as he threw on anything. He stretched and put his bag on. He was walking down stairs half asleep.


Bakugou ears rang as he heard his mother yelling. He turned around to her direction. She was holding a spoon and had her other hand on her hip.

"I'll pass" Bakugou yelled back. He walked outside slamming the door behind him. He shoved his hands in his pocket and started to walk to the park.

"You're late"

Bakugou pouted and slammed his bag on the bench.

"I over slept."

"Sleeping into 4?"

"Shut up halfie!" Shoto looked at him confused and shaked his head.

"Well at least you didn't get lost." Shoto took out a couple of notebooks and the packet paper they were working on.

"So why at the park again? And why near the playground with a bunch of kids yelling?"

"I thought you'll feel more comfortable with people in your standards."

"My standards-" Bakugou stopped and blushed in embarrassment. "ARE YOU TR-"

"Tryna pick a fight? No, just speaking my mind." He said as he flipped through the notebook.

"Well that's gonna end up getting you killed" He muttered as he too opened his notebook. "So about this project, what is it about again?"

"You're kidding right."


Shoto sighed and put his notebook down.

He began to teach everything he heard in class to bakugou. Making sure he understood.

They section the pieces and decided who should do what. Bakugou was surprisingly a quick learner and got a hand of it immediately. Shoto made jokes about Katsuki who got mad and yelled.

Time went by and they were almost half way done.

Sunday slowly crept in and they met the same time. Bakugou being a little late this time.

Katsuki finished his half first before shoto and laughed at Todoroki for being slow. Shoto just ignored him and continue his work.

Around 6 the two completely finished there task.

Bakugou stretched to the sky "Jeez what took you so long!?"

"You're the one who got the easier part."

"Ha yeah right!"

Bakugou crossed his arms and smirked. "Just admit that I'm way better then you!"

"I'll pass." Shoto said as he packed his stuff. He stood up and so did bakugou.

"Well half-n-half bastard you can take care of returning the project to the teacher, I mean unless it's too much for you?"

"Pft yeah right, I'm pretty sure I'm more suited to return it then you will ever be in years, you cant even take care of yourself."



Bakugou fell silent, shoto raised a brow. Katsuki slowly turned around looking away from shoto, his face completely red.

"Are you sure? Cause just know I swear I heard your stomach growl."


Shoto began digging in his bag once more "hmm it should be in here."

"What are you looking for?"

"Oh found it."

He took out a container. He walked to bakugou and gave it to the spiky blond hair.

"What's this?"

"You never seen a lunch box?"

"T-thats not what I meant I mean as in w-why are y- HEY DON'T WALK AWAY FROM ME!!"

Shoto waved bye at him and spoked "I don't need it." He left the park leaving a confused blond boy holding a blue lunch box. He let out a growl and cursed the halfie as if he was there.

He looked at the container, he took off the cloth wrapped around it and took the top off.

There was a perfect set of lunch in there. The food was untouched and bakugou felt his mouth water.

"Why bother bringing food if you're not gonna eat it." He pouted. He sat back down on the bench and set the food down. He took the chopsticks that were on top of the containers lid. He began eating. The food was surprisingly delicious.

'I wonder if the half n half bastard made this.'

He thought as he continued to eat. It was kinda silent without Todoroki and katsuki almost felt empty without him, missing him.

"What am I thinking about that idiot!" He shouted as he shoved food down his throat tryna forget that feeling of loneliness.

"I swear when I see him and his half and half hair imma beat him up!"

After minutes of shoving food in his mouth he finished the last grain of rice. He looked at the empty lunch box.

' do I have this back to him? I don't know where he lives and I don't think I'll wanna throw it away. Sure he's rich but still-'

Bakugou cleaned up after himself and walked back home. While walking back to his house he wondered how he'll give it back.

'He better not be waiting for a thank you.'

He thought as he entered his house. He went upstairs and threw his bag on the bed. "I should wash it at least." He mumbled to himself as he looked at the lunch box, he smiled softly and walked back down stairs.

Shoto went inside his house and walked to his room. He hanged his bag and laid on his bed. He looked at his ceiling and couldn't help but smile to himself.

~1049 words~
I wanna get to the hardcore fluff :)

Also I wanna make it have heavy angst too 👀

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