Chapter Six: The Crush

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And so bakugou and todoroki went off and on like that. They constantly tried to flirt but fail. While Momo had to watch shoto fail so miserably.

-It was almost the end of there first year-

"Hey bakugou."

"What the hell do you want huh?! " The male asked. "No it's just that you've been walking faster everytime i--"

"Well I don't want people to think we're friends!" He said pouting.

Shoto frowned. Now that he thought about, bakugou never hung out with him at lunch. It never bugged him because he had his own seperate group.

"I see..."

Shoto was far behind at this time and bakugou looked behind him once in a while. And it almost seemed like he was slowing his pace so shoto can catch up but when shoto looked like he was noticing he speed up.

They reached his house and bakugou went inside. Shoto didn't even have time to say bye.

He signed and just continent to walk.

Shoto sat down in his bed and put his back pack down. The more he thought about what bakugou said the more he began digging deeper.

He began even remember in how kirishma asked if the two were friends or at least getting along. Needless to say but he blew up and began shouting how he rather die then be friends with him.

"Does he really think we're not friends...we went to the movies though--" He said to himself. That was there first and last date together.

Ever since then shoto waited for bakugou to plan a date but it never came. Sure momo gave him advice and he tried but either shoto didn't in the wrong time making either bakugou to blow up or not hear him at all. Now he couldn't call her, her and jirou began becoming close that she hangs out with her more then him. And he still isn't friends with bakugou.

"Does he hate me?"

"Who hates you?"

Shoto looked up to see his sister holding a tray of food.

"Oh sister--"

"What's wrong Shoto?"


"It sure didn't sound like nothing."

"What do you mean?"

"You sounded sad."

She put the tray on the night stand. "I told you to eat too."

"I didn't hear you."

"Well--" She gave him all her attention "what's wrong?"


"Come on Shoto, you may be able to trick mom and dad and our siblings but you can't trick me. What's wrong?"

Shoto put his hand on his cheek and leaned on it. "It's about a friend--"

"A friend? "

"See...they like someone but they don't think they'll ever have a chance to even date that person, they hate my friend and shows it by spitting insults but my friend doesn't wanna give up no matter what there mind tell them to. I guess they just thought they had a chance but there shot was way far off."

"Wow..." His sister looked up at the ceiling. "I didn't know you had such a burden."

"What do I say? How do you tell someone to move on?"

"Well your friend has such commitment it's charming. You can't just tell someone to go give up. Emotions are very strong. Saying something is easier then actually doing it. I don't know who this crush is but if they really feel like they can't win then they should at least ask? Have they asked."


"Are they going by assumption?"

"Well they're mean and--"

"And what if they're a tsundere?"

"A tsundere?"

"Google it."

"Whatever that mean, that still doesn't excuse there actions!"

"Then why have a crush on them?"

"That's----they don't know.."

"Have they gone on a dates? "

"Y-yes... "

"Did they force the crush or did they go willing?"


"Was it just does two or a hang out? "

"It was only us---them!"

"Yup sounds like tsundere!"

"What is that?! "

"Listen little shoto, people like that are hard to read. Play your cards carefully."


"But if you wanna give up on this chick then you can, there's plenty more in the sea but then again there's really only one of them. Sure there's a billion people on this world but you'll never find someone who is exactly the same as an other person, even twins are different."

"Thank you Fuyumi."

"No problem little brother!"

"But you do realize it was my friend who had this problem not me?"


"I'm serious"

"You're a bad liar."

"Fine...maybe it was me."

"HA I knew it! So who's the lucky girl?! I wanna see her! I bet you walk her home, that's why you're so late nowadays!"

'Girl...' Shoto never told anyone about his secret. No one knows but Momo. Who knew what father would do if he heard.

"Is it...a girl..." fuyumi asked after seeing shoto uncomfortable look on his face. "I--" Shotos mouth was dry.

"I don't like this crush thing...i can't control who it is... I hate it."

Fuyumi smiled and hugged her little brother. "Don't worry, I don't care what gender you prefer you're still my little brother."

Shoto nodded. "Thank you...i don't wanna ask for much but can you keep this a secret. Don't tell dad okay."

Fuyumi patted his head and stood up. "Of course." Shoto felt like a heavy weight lifted from his shoulders.

"Sooo who's the luck guy?"

"He's just---" He felt his face heat up.

"Tell me!" She said excited "oh and I wanna know how you met and your first date! I wanna know all the juicy stuff!"

"Okay, but quiet down."

~1007 words~

It may be short but it's still something 😔

Also ummm I'm so sorry but I decided I might put angst. They will definitely be some but idk if it should have a happy ending or a sad one because you know...angst--

Since it's there first year, endeavor is still an asshole okay--I swear he becomes better as the story goes. This might become a very long story now that I think about it. Sorry to all the endeavor fans. Ily guys tho 💜❤

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