Chapter thirteen: The Discussion

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Bakugou sat on his bed. His knees up to. His chest.

"Well that what I get for starting a conversation. I should back off."

His phone went off again

'See you tomorrow'

He sighed and ignored it. "Tomorrow? Is he planning something?"

He picked his phone up again and looked through the messages/conversation they had.

"A plan huh? I don't understand, why the sudden change of really am getting on his nerves huh..? "

He sighed and decided not to look too deep into it. "Why am I gloomy?! I don't care what that stupid half n half says!"

He pouted and stood up. "WHEN I SEE HIM AGAIN, I'MMA GIVE HIM A PIECE OF MY MIND!" He grinted and clutched his fist. "And that stupid deku too!"


As the day went by Shoto woke up early and took a long shower. He was exhausted for some reason. He was scavenging around to see any decent clothing.

"I could wear something casual." He nodded to himself and changed to a white button up shirt and light blue shorts. "The beach huh...? " He never really went there nor even invited.

"This should be good right...?" He muttered to himself.

He prepared a bag of supplies he'll think he needs. He looked himself in the mirror and nodded, 'well I guess I should be heading there. ' it was 8:30, he grabbed his bag and texted Midoriya that he'll be there soon.

Shoto left his room and walked to the front door and put on his shoes.

He left his house and decided to walk. "It shouldn't be too far."

Shoto was about to text Bakugou if he too was heading there into he received a phone call.

"Midoriya?" He answered it and Izukus voice was heard from the other side of the line. "Oh Todoroki! Were are you?"

"I'm just leaving my house--"

"Really! Okay, well everyone's basically here!"

"Is Bakugou there?"

It was a small pause "well... Uh no but I'm sure he'll come later!"

"Oh, I'll pick him up. He doesn't really live that far so I don't see why--"

"It should be fine, I'm sure he's already on his way!"

"Hmm...well okay."

"I have to go, see you soon Todoroki!"

Deku hanged up and shoto sighed. He put his phone away.

As he was walking to the train he saw stands and stores. Couples and friends.

Suddenly something caught his eye. It was a key chain on display. A bear with a red bow. It was strange but shoto himself didn't know why it stopped him. The train was close. But yet he decided to see the stand and look at the matching keychains.

"Those that catch your interest young boy?"

A elderly lady spoke softly to him. Shoto nodded in response.

"It's perfect for lovers or even best friends"

"You wouldn't mind if I saw it closer?"

"Of course not!"

Shoto grabbed the two keychains. Funny, one bear looked to be angry with light color fur, almost blonde and a cute black scarf. While the other was slightly darker and had two different color buttons for its eyes and a red and white bow.

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