Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

“Oh god Jenn! JENN! Shit how much did you give her! I said only one. Where’s your stupid fucking bag I want the antidote. Jenn?!”

I heard a voice calling my name. At least I thought that was my name. The sounds seemed to travel from far away. I saw nothing but darkness, felt nothing as though I was floating. The only sense I could register was that of hearing, I still lacked the powers to completely understand what was happening.

“Calm the fuck down you stupid whore.” Along with the angry male voice came a cracking sound of flesh hitting flesh. A slap perhaps? “I only give her the one. And half the other when she started waking in the van. She’s still breathing isn’t she? Trust me I like my sex toys alive.”

This guy is an asshole. The small voice of my inner thoughts flashed around within the emptiness that was my existence.

“Please I know you have it. It’s called Flumazenil. Please her resp rate is far too slow and her pulse is fast and weak. That means her blood pressure is probably low.” The woman’s voice sounded broken, and punctuated with sniffs. She sounds scared. The sounds drifted further away and I felt like I was falling back into blackness.

“Thank you. Come on Jenn. Please wake up. Come on.” I started to hear the voice louder and clearer. I started to feel the hard surface beneath me, I was confused as to why I was laying on what felt like a floor.  “That’s it come on wake up please.” I felt my face move into a frown, the contraction of my facial muscles feeling sluggish and awkward. Was that Lexi? Confusion clouded my thoughts as I felt like I was being forcefully pulled into reality, everything felt heavy like I was waking from a deep sleep. As the sensations came rushing back to my body I felt something uncomfortable in my arm, it felt like a needle. After what felt like hours my eyes finally reacted to the command to open. They opened not to my bedroom, or even any room I recognised, but to a grey concrete ceiling that was covered in cobwebs. That was when a pair of sapphire blue eyes came into my vision, streaming with tears. “Thank fuck, Jenn.” I blinked confused. I had no idea where the hell I was or why Lexi was hovering impatiently above me, the last thing I remembered was being at work and she wasn’t there.  Shutting my eyes again I started to feel heavy when I felt the curious sensation of coolness within my vein in my arm. Eyes snapping open I quickly started to gain movement in the rest of my body. Groaning I pushed at Lexi to move her away and started to sit up. “Wait Jenn!” I felt her hand push me back. “Don’t let the needle come out.”

Needle! “What the fuck Lex?!” My words were slurred as though I had not quite regained the ability to use my tongue.

“Please Jenn. I know you hate me right now. And I swear I am going to make that better but please just trust me.” I heard the pleading ring in her voice and saw the fear and desperation in her eyes, it gave me enough pause to listen to her for the moment. That was when someone entirely unexpected came into view.

“Told ya Doc, she is fine. Sorry sexy Jenn but you made me do it the hard way.” Eyes wide in horror I stared at Logan who stood above Lexi and I. A maniacal grin twisted his generally handsome features into something of nightmares. Fuzzy memories of Logan and my flat lingered on the edge of my memory but I couldn’t quite grasp them long enough to make sense of the situation.

“She is anything but fine you jackass! Fuck! Just let us go you maniac. Wh…” Lexi was cut off by Logan swiftly bending down and dragging her to her feet by her throat. Attempting to shout out all that came from my throat was a strangled yell as I forced my body to move into a sitting position. Still feeling heavy and as though I were hung-over I could barely move more and lent against the wall that I had been laying near, watching in horror as Logan threw Lexi up against the opposite dank concrete.

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