Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

After diving in the shower and getting dressed up in my favourite jeans that made my ass look great and a floaty black top I eyed myself in the mirror. At only five two, I was the shortest of most my friends but I more than made up for it with my personality, normally I was centre of attention, oozing confidence and cheeky smile that I knew I could use to get my way with anyone. Gazing into my bright green eyes I could see the pain I hid daily. Shaking my head I refused to think about the crap I had endured and resolved to party on tonight, I gave my hair a last quick brush through admiring the way it looked a redish purple in the light. Downing the rest of the cheap rosé Loz had found in the cupboard I joined her and Ty our other flat mate in the living room.

“Ready?” I asked, they both agreed and we all bounced down the stairs to the parking lot to Ty’s battered old Fiesta.

“Ladies your chariot awaits.” He called as he slipped into the front seat.

“More like pumpkin awaits, Jesus Ty when are you going to scrap this pile of crap and get a decent car?” demanded Loz as she forced her way into the back seat “This thing is older than my Gran.”

“Loz if you want to walk continue to insult Florence, she is my baby and I won’t be getting rid of her until she dies. She gets me where I need to go and I don’t see the point in spending money to get another when she works just fine. Also she is not that old!” Ty called back to her, I laughed, Loz hated it when he spoke about his precious car like it was human. It still shut her up though she knew he would go through with the threat, once she pissed him off so bad he left her to walk home from the pub in the rain. Settling back into the seat I watched as the streets flashed by, really we could have walked but as Ty was leaving to see his boyfriend at the same time we jumped at the chance for a lift, more time for wine drinking.

After Ty kicked us to the curb and sped off, Loz and I headed into the Cat’s Cradle pub and ordered our drinks, Ricky, Loz’s hunk of a ‘man friend’ as she called him called us over to him and a few of his mates. I silently sipped my drink feeling light headed already from the wine I had drunk before. Loz was right I really was drinking too much. I squashed the thought and observed the crowd to find anyone that I wouldn’t regret waking up next to too much.  Reading my face Loz pointed out a guy at the bar, sarcasm dripping from her voce as she said “What about him? He is kinda cute, or are you fancying a bit of pussy tonight?”  I pursed my lips at her and she started laughing at me again, I knew she would berate me for it in the morning but I couldn’t help it, I had needs and I sure as hell didn’t need the shit a relationship caused so a string of one night stands had been my life for the past year.

“He’ll do, I had my fill of pussy last week.” I winked at Loz and left her shaking her head at me as I stood up and went in for the kill.

Three more drinks, one cab ride and zero foreplay later I was laying on my back legs open as the guy from the bar unceremoniously pumped away on top of me.  Part of me contemplated faking it, but this guy was so bad I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of thinking he had made me cum, so I just continued to stare at the yellowing ceiling paint and murmured the appropriate sounds to make him think I was enjoying myself enough for him to keep a bit of his ego.

“Oh yeah I’m gonna cum I’m gonna cum.” He muttered in my ear, rolling my eyes the only thing I thought was thank fuck it’s over.  After he rolled off and chucked the condom he fell into a drunken slumber snoring next to me, I just continued to stare at the ceiling a wondered why I did this to myself. At first it was fun, a quick fuck here and there knowing I would never have to see them again, some were good some were bad but I still generally managed to get enjoyment out of it even if I didn’t get an orgasm, but lately my nights turned out like this one had. I would get smashed, find someone to fuck, go back to mine or theirs and then, well, no one seemed to be able to push my buttons to get me off. I would end up feeling dissatisfied, bitter and extremely frustrated.

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