Chapter 11
Chewing my lip thoughtfully I gazed at my outfit in the mirror. Tight fitting jeans, a sheer short sleeved purple shirt and a small pair of black boots.
“You look hot. So stop over analysing it.” Ty said from behind me, he had dressed up a little too wearing a tight fitting green checked shirt. I almost laughed, it was his pulling shirt and I hadn’t seen him wear it for over a year. He looked good in it too, he seemed to be on his way to getting over his ex.
The small work gathering that Charlie had organised had somehow managed to escalate with half the ward wanting to come, along with a few of the doctors being roped into it as well. While Lexi had still been with me she had received a text inviting her along too from one of the other doctors on the ward. Hence my stress at finding a good outfit. “You know you guys are totally going to end up together right?” Ty asked from the doorway his brown eyes glinting with humour. I knew he was trying to get a rise from me. As soon as Lexi had left this morning, so she could prepare for tonight and do some things around the house, Ty had grilled me for a good hour and a half about the nature of our relationship. I rolled my eyes at him and turned back to the mirror remembering the ‘discussion’ we had had.
I lifted my fingers up to my lips still feeling the softness of Lexi’s departing kiss. I felt happy, especially as she would be joining us tonight at the work night out. Both of us had discussed and decided that it would be best to keep the ‘extra’ side of our friendship secret from everyone else at work considering the ward loved their gossip, and nothing was juicier then sexual exploits between doctors and the nurses. I couldn’t decide if it was good luck or just a massive coincidence but Lexi actually had Monday off as she would be working on-call all weekend which would also be the first full weekend I would be working for a while.
I heard Ty flick the switch of the kettle before I heard him say, “So… That is Lexi. The er… girl of your dreams.” He laughed to himself as he pulled down two mugs. “Spill.”
I sighed and let my hand fall to my other arm, “Uh not much to say really.” I watched as Ty frowned and measured out coffee for each mug.
“Now tell me the truth Jenn. She is clearly the reason you haven’t been shagging around for the last couple of months. And the reason you’ve been weirdly bi-polar all happy then stupidly sad the next minute. I dread to think what sort of crazy is going on in your head. My guess is you slept with her which is where those.” Ty lifted his fingers to make air quotes, “Suction cup marks came from.” He continued to talk as he then added milk and sugar to each mug “Totally hickies. And then you did a you, and freaked out. Clearly she managed to get back in there though as it sounded like you were having some pretty good sex.”
I groaned and threw myself onto the sofa, it scared me sometimes how well Ty knew me.
“Yes that sounds about right.” I muttered and held my hand out for the coffee Ty passed me, taking a sip and nearly scalding my tongue.
“So are you guys together now or what? You make a really hot couple. And she is a doctor that must be awesome for sex.”
“No we are not a couple. Neither of us wants a relationship so we are just friends with benefits I guess. Sex with no strings attached, its great! I don’t want to hurt her cuz I am clearly broken and don’t believe in love.” Pointing to my heart as I said it. “And Lexi, well she has her own issues, too much effort with her job and that plus a cheating ex. Who is starting to become a bit of a stalker.” I gazed into my coffee and smiled, I couldn’t be happier with the situation and thinking about Lexi made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. I frowned at that thought, not in a lovey way but in a good sex way. I nodded at my train of thought before realising Ty was talking back at me.

Doctor, Doctor, Can you fix my broken heart?
General FictionJenn Mckenzie loves her job as a nurse on the busy ward 36, and loves the fun times she has with her friends but is severely dissatisfied with her love life. After suffering from not once, but twice a broken heart she swears of relationships and liv...