Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I stretched and yawned unwilling to open my eyes, until the events from the previous day and night came back to me. Flicking my eyes open I saw the white leaf patterned ceiling of Lexi’s bedroom. I rolled over and grinned as I saw the soft curves of Lexi’s naked body lying beside me. Judging by her slow and steady breathing she was still sleeping, even though the clock on the nightstand beside her read 15.30 in the afternoon. It hadn’t been since I was a student that I had slept in this late, but considering we had only left each other alone and fallen asleep at nearly half five in the morning it was decidedly acceptable to still be in bed.

The memory of the day before played in my head, after a long session in the bed we moved to the shower then decided on ordering in pizza, only to barely keep our hands off each other to eat it before ending back up in her bed to watch a film, which for the life of me I couldn’t remember. The rest of the night had been spent touching, tasting and teasing one another until we had no more stamina left.

My stomach grumbled bringing me back to the present and reminding me that I hadn’t eaten for nearly twenty hours, beside me Lexi groaned and turned towards me her eyes flicking open. She blinked a few times before giving me a sly smile. “I could get used to this.” She muttered before sitting up pulling the covers with her like a shy school girl.

I laughed, “Tough luck, what happened to no strings attached sex? I wouldn’t want you to fall in love with me, I’m broken remember.”

I was rewarded with a laugh from Lexi, “True. I have to say I never get that response from my bed mates, normally my sexual prowess has them begging at my feet to marry them.” I couldn’t help but grin and shake my head, clearly it was true about all doctors having enormous egos.  “Want some food?”  Lexi asked, as her hand went to her stomach, that like mine uttered a disgruntled growl.


After we had eaten I made my excuses and dragged myself away from the temptation of more sex, I had work tomorrow and had to get all my crap together, not to mention the dozens of missed calls and messages from both Loz and Ty. As I walked back towards my own flat through the park I couldn’t help but enjoy the sunny day even more, feeling completely satisfied with myself.  My thoughts suddenly turned slightly sour with what to tell my flat mates, I had made them a promise after all, and considering I had just broken that promise with more meaningless sex. Even if it was by far the best sex I had ever had. Loz and Ty just weren’t the people to understand it. Both of them wouldn’t sleep with anyone unless they were in a relationship now, or had at least been dating a while. I chewed thoughtfully on my lip as I decided what to tell them, although by the time I made it home I still hadn’t come up with an excuse. I wasn’t entirely sure why I was going to lie to them as I had never done in the past, but for now I decided that I preferred Lexi as my dirty little secret.

As I made my way up the stairs I switched my phone off in preparation, before slowly opening the flat door, preparing myself for the onslaught to come.

“And where the fuck have you been?”

I rolled my eyes and threw my keys into the bowl by the door. “Jeez Loz, you’d think you were my mother. I was out what’s the big deal?”

“Well when your flat mate decides to piss off for the weekend with no warning then you get worried. And what the fuck is that on your neck?!”

Doctor, Doctor, Can you fix my broken heart?Where stories live. Discover now