Chapter 1
Yawning I gazed down at my coffee and waited for the crazy to start as I walked down the ward to find out where I would be spending the next twelve and a half hours.
“Jenn, you’re in five with Lucy and Charlie today, I think Ant will be in later.” Babs called as I reached the office door, “Oh and if you wouldn’t mind your co-ordinating later as you’ll be the senior nurse on shift everyone else is practically newly qualified and between you and me, I don’t really trust Margret to do it.”
Inwardly I sighed. I hated co-ordinating the ward especially when running an area of patients, “Sure Babs, what time are you off?” I leaned against the door to her office and looked over her shoulder to the allocation list she was playing with. David and Kath were on shift as well; both had only qualified three months before and, both were completely useless. I took a sip of the scalding drink and winced as it slipped down my throat. Really I was being harsh calling them completely useless, I mused, it was just because they were both so needy and scared of making mistakes. Personally I was convinced I had never been that bad when I first started out.
“Not until five today, I have a meeting later but I will keep the bleep as it’s not one I particularly want to stay in.” Said Babs as she turned to face me, her grey hair bouncing lightly in its bob cut.
“Ah, Dr Watts monthly meeting today then?” I laughed, “I wouldn’t want to stay in that either.”
Our clinical director Dr Watts had decided to force all the matrons, ward managers and consultants working in his section to have a meeting once a month that none of them enjoyed, mostly rubbish about bed management which Babs always moaned about afterwards.
“David, Area three with Kim and Alex.”
I left Babs doing her thing and wandered across the ward through areas one and two to get to five, the enhanced care unit. Working on a respiratory and contagious diseases ward we kept a few higher dependency beds for the ventilation machines. I had loved working in there as a student and being back as a full trained nurse was great. Slipping through the doors and waving a hello to Margret who was on the phone I dropped into a seat at the nurse’s station. Charlie, the other trained nurse, and Lucy our healthcare assistant were already there.
“Morning guys.” I sighed as I leaned back, “How was Mexico Lucy?” I frowned slightly in jealousy, she was so tanned I wanted to peel off her skin.
“It was great, thanks Jenn.” Charlie beside her groaned as Lucy blabbered on about swimming with dolphins and the food, Charlie had clearly heard this already. She rolled her eyes at me and I grinned, clearly this wasn’t going to stop all day.
Interrupting Lucy’s flow about goats or something, Ginny one of the night nurses leaned across the desk and passed out the handover sheet, “Right, let’s make this quick. This is my sixth night and I need my bed.”
She started rattling off names and what was wrong with them at top speed, I clicked my tongue and started adding bits of what she was saying and highlighting the important parts. “Lastly in bed fifty we have Logan, he was moved into the side room last night from three.” At this I nearly smacked my head off the desk.
“Fuck, really? I thought I had got away from that creep!” gritting my teeth in desperation.
“Yeah sorry Jenn he has been asking for you all night, he clearly likes you”
“It’s more than likes, he is so...” I paused unable to think of a word to describe how much of a perv the guy was.
“Well his chest drain might be able to come out today if the docs are happy then it won’t be long until he goes. Oh and he needs his methadone at half ten, but I’m sure you know that, he will bite your head off if your even a minute late with it. Pissing crack head.”

Doctor, Doctor, Can you fix my broken heart?
Fiction généraleJenn Mckenzie loves her job as a nurse on the busy ward 36, and loves the fun times she has with her friends but is severely dissatisfied with her love life. After suffering from not once, but twice a broken heart she swears of relationships and liv...