Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

As Lexi pulled me to a table in Burt’s cafe, my head span, I didn’t know what I wanted to do, grin like a maniac because Lexi had actually kissed me. Or scream because I wanted so much more, I no longer cared that we worked together, the worries from the last week had vanished, all I wanted was to taste those sweet lips again and more. 

“Sorry.” Lexi smiled sheepishly at me from across the table.

I frowned, “For what?” she hadn't done anything wrong.

Lexi laughed and leaned forward, instinctively my body moved closer to hers. “For kissing you. I thought it might help but now I realise it was more than a bit presumptuous and kinda sexual assult-y.”

I couldn’t help but laugh, I hadn’t really thought about it like that as I had been willing it to happen and dreaming about it for weeks. I bit my lip and looked into her face, her eyes betraying her worry.

“It’s more than ok! It did help, at least I don’t look like the pathetic mess I did last time I saw her.” I grinned at Lexi, hoping that she would see that I really wanted it to happen again.

“Oh good, because to tell you the truth,” She leaned in and lowered her voice, “I’ve been wanting to do that since the first time I saw you.”  My breath caught in my throat, I wanted to jump up and do a victory dance; I settled for a sly grin.

“Hi welcome to Burt’s. You guys ready to order?”

The waitress broke the sexual tension that had been building in the air and smiled at us. I wanted to tell her to go away but instead ordered. Once the waitress had gone Lexi watched me with curious eyes before asking, “So what’s the deal with your ex anyways?” I opened my mouth to speak but I didn’t know how to start, or even if I wanted to. “I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.” She winked at me encouraging me to talk.

Ah what the hell. I thought before diving straight in.

“Well it started with Ben really he was my first real boyfriend I met him at uni, and well Jade was a friend from school. I swear I had fancied her since I first saw her but I knew, well thought she was straight so I never bothered.” I took a breath and chewed on my lip a little before continuing. “Well I thought I was in love with Ben and it was about two years ago we split, I came home to find him in bed with our neighbour. So I moved out and ended up with Loz and Ty. Jade had been my best friend for a few years and I went to her for comfort, and that night after we had spent the evening drinking wine and bitching about men she kissed me. Told me she liked me more than a friend but had been too scared to act on it as her family wouldn’t approve.” I gave a bitter laugh, “She was twenty-four and still did everything her Mummy told her to. Anyway we sort of started dating in secret because she wasn’t out and I really, really liked her, so I went along thinking that she would soon come out. Loz and Ty knew but that was it really. I fell in love with her and it felt so much more real then with Ben. Well after about eight months she started acting a bit weird. There was a party we were all going to and I heard from Kate, another uni friend that Jade had told everyone she had a surprise for the party.” I stopped, remembering the joy I had felt thinking that she finally would be coming out and we could be together properly, and then the earth shattering moment when that had all changed. Lexi nodded for me to continue, those beautiful eyes wide with anticipation of what was to come. “Well Jade had told me she would meet me there, naively I thought she was telling everyone about us. Only when I got there she arrived with a guy in tow. Who, she then introduced as her boyfriend.”

“Fuck, what a bitch.” Lexi’s face showed pure disgust “How could anyone do that, especially to you! I mean look at you!” Her outburst made me smile and my stomach flip a little.

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