A/N: AHHH to updates in one day I am actually impressed with myself. This chapter though made me cry a little its taken from a real life event and as I started writing I just couldn't stop. Thank you everyone for your support and HAPPY NEW YEAR :)
Chapter 15
Groaning I reached out and attempted to grab my phone as the irritating noise coming from in flooded my ears. All I successfully managed to do in that moment was to knock it off the bedside cabinet and for the irritating noise to continue. “Fucks sake.” Muttering to myself I pulled my head up and ripped the eye mask I was wearing off to find my phone. It appeared sleep deprivation had turned my fingers into marshmallows as I fumbled and dropped the phone twice more before succeeding in turning off the alarm.
Yawning I proceeded to the shower hoping it would wake me up a little more, the afternoon sun starting to dwindle. The past few days I had been working the dreaded night shift, I despised night shifts. Some people had the amazing knack for working nights permanently, or being able to switch back and forth with ease. Being someone who loved my bed and struggled to sleep during the day time, working nights was like pulling teeth for me. Every few months Babs would roster some of the day staff onto a week or two of nights to help with our ‘decision making’ and so try and split the us and them feeling that sometimes occurs between the day and night shifts. As there were less doctors and practically no senior staff when someone went poorly overnight it was down to the ward nurses to deal with the situation until the help arrived. It may not take much longer but those few minutes could be crucial to the patient’s life. It was similar to weekends, just dark and cold and less relatives to deal with. After showering and dressing I made my way to the kitchen to grab some coffee to assist in the waking up process. At some point in the day our neighbours had got into a fight and the shouting had woken me up. I had struggled to then get a decent sleep for the rest of the day and was more than a little irritated. Thankfully tonight was my last night and I had a week of annual leave before being back in on days. Loz was home and cooking dinner when I appeared at her shoulder, a steaming mug of coffee sat ready and waiting for me on the table. “Have I ever told you how much I love you?” I sighed happily and sat down feeling a bone deep weariness settle over me, not a good sign as I hadn’t even started my shift yet.
“Numerous of times. You look like shit. Tonight is your last night right? Because you look half dead.” Loz frowned at me as I sipped coffee.
Nodding my head I didn’t feel that I was awake enough to really reply. She shook her head and continued to cook filling me in on the things that had happened to her during the day. “…still no leads on the bastard either. I cannot believe he managed to get out that place.”
“Huh…” I lifted my head and focused on what she was saying.
“Tredwell. There haven’t been any leads on how he got out of Bedgrove. I shouldn’t really tell you this but one of the new care assistants has gone missing and after a proper look into his file it was a fake identity, same with two of the new kitchen staff. Looks like they were planted there to help him make an escape.”
“Bugger.” I stretched and then reached for the plate of food Loz passed to me. “Well I guess a psychiatric hospital is easier to break out of then a prison. Especially if you have staff helping you.”
After eating I said my goodbyes and left for work. As I made the all so familiar journey down to my car I got a prickly feeling at the back of my neck as though I was being watched. Walking a little faster I jumped into my car and locked the doors before looking around the parking lot to see what had been bothering me. No one was around except a little old lady walking a small dog across the road. Putting the feeling down to the conversation I had had with Loz before leaving I shrugged my shoulders and made my way to work.

Doctor, Doctor, Can you fix my broken heart?
Genel KurguJenn Mckenzie loves her job as a nurse on the busy ward 36, and loves the fun times she has with her friends but is severely dissatisfied with her love life. After suffering from not once, but twice a broken heart she swears of relationships and liv...