Chapter Eight

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I was currently sitting outside of the Salvatore border school debating if I should talk to them or not. Ugh just go Ava your already here. I got out of the car making my way to the door, I knocked waiting for someone to answer.
"Avaree" Damon pulled my in looking at my body I guess making sure I'm okay "thank god your alive" he hugged me
I pushed him away "yes I'm alive because of kol" I stated
He looked confused "what do you mean because of kol? Stefan could of saved you but you didn't let him in" he yelled "kol was the one who almost killed you"
I was shocked he just said that "no your the reason I almost died. You tried to stake kol" I explained his face dropped when I said that and I felt bad but it what true right
I saw Stefan walk in looking at us
"Well no one told me you were linked to them" he shot back
"Because I knew you would just make me break the link" I said
"I could of helped you Avaree that's why I'm here for you" he yelled
We were quite all of us just standing there not knowing what to say
"Why did you link yourself to them" Stefan asked
"They need protection and I do to" I explained, Damon just rolled his eyes
"That why were here we'll protect you guys" he yelled
He grabbed his bourbon and poured himself a drink
"No they'll protect us better then you Damon" he looked hurt by my words but he had to know the truth "you don't think I thought about you guys protecting us but-"
"Well obviously you didn't because your with them right now" he interrupted
"No I thought long and hard about it but you know what" I looked at both of them "if there was a situation between me and Elena you'll pick her without a doubt"
"Will save both" he yelled
"No but if it were down to the two of us you'll pick Elena right" they didn't say anything so I got my answer, it hurt hearing it out loud "that's why I'll rather have them protect us because they won't think twice about it" I ran out crying before anyone can say anything else

I walked into the house and saw kol and Ellie on the ground crawling and ale on the couch playing his game with bekah. They looked at me and saw I was crying Kol ran up to me
"Are you okay Avaree" he was worried you can tell, I just hugged him
"Thank you" that's all I could say

Two weeks later
It's been 2 weeks since I seen or talked to Stefan and Damon. they tried to come over but I would tell kol, nik or Elijah to tell them to leave. Kol and Rebekah have been staying over mostly every night and I love it because the house ain't quite or boring. Ellie is crawling a lot better.
Me, Rebekah and kol were currently in the kitchen making breakfast for ale since it's his birthday today. We bought him the 16 balloons that nik is supposed to bring but is taking forever. They want to have a big party but I just want to go the grill and play pool and hang.
"So what did you get ale" Rebekah asked
I was going to answer but Kol put his hand over my mouth and I looked at him confused
He smirked "trying to be sneaky" kol laughed and ale came from around the corner that sneaky little kid
"Okay hurry we're going to be late for school" I grabbed my phone looking at the time 7:39
It was our first day back from summer break. Me and Rebekah are seniors and ale is a junior.
"Are you sure you can watch Ellie because I don't have to go" I looked at kol
He laughed "go love have a good day because I know we will" he said tickling Ellie

We were in our first period and that was Alaric's class with Bonnie, Caroline, Elena and Stefan. They all have been trying to call me but I've just ignored them. I was sitting by Rebekah when I felt eye burning in the back of my head I turned around and I saw Elena and Stefan looking at me. That's all I seen all day eyes on me not a single word I guess I expect to much from them.

Right now we're waiting for ale to get to the car so we can go get ready for the grill.
"Hey Ava" I heard from behind me
I turned and seen Stefan and Elena "yea" I replied
"Umm since it's ales birthday we were wondering if we can come over" Elena nervously asked
"Sorry family only" Rebekah said smiling at them, wait were family?
They looked shocked about her answer
"Oh hey Stefan" ale said walking up to us "I'm ready let's go" ale jumped into the car
"We're just hanging at the grill if you want to come" I  felt bad for them, I haven't been talking to them
We jump in the car and drove back to our house
"Why did you invite them" Rebekah turned to me " I told them only family"
"I felt bad" I glanced at her
"She has a big heart" ale joined
Bekah laughed "yea I can tell"

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