12 | I trust you

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It was early morning and Jungkook was still asleep but Taehyung was not, he had woken up pretty early and was ready to go to school for the day. He has spent the last couple of minutes smiling at Jungkook who had a arm wrapped around Taehyung's waist.

Taehyung decided to softly get out of Jungkook's hold and walk outside the room down to Jimin's.

"Jimin?" Taehyung whispered

"Hey Tae, you okay?" He asks as Taehyung nods entering the room.

"I dont uhm have any clothes uh" Taehyung says scratching the back of his own neck un sure on how to say it

"Tae go look in my closet and pick whatever you want" Jimin says smiling and leaves the room

Taehyung smiles and walks towards the closet and picks a few things that he thinks would suit him before going into Jimin's bathroom and trying the clothes on.

He looked at himself in the mirror and sighed, to Taehyung he did not think he looked nice in anything.

He couldn't just go through Jimin's room trying to find clothes until he tried on one that he liked so he just walked out of the bathroom and walked downstairs to the kitchen.

Jungkook smiled seeing his mate walk into the kitchen, he looked beautiful and he was shocked that every time he saw Taehyung he grew more and more beautiful.

"Morning Pup" Jungkook said taking a sip of his water watching as Taehyung smiled at him and sat down next to him.

"How was your sleep" Jungkook asked

"It was okay, h-how was yours" Taehyung smiled not making eye contact with Jungkook.

"The best I have had in a long time" Jungkook said as Taehyung smiled letting out a "That is good" before Jimin walked in

"Guys we have to go now" Jimin then walked out

Taehyung stood up and grabbed his bag following Jimin outside, Jungkook also followed them and walked towards his car. He sighed watching as Taehyung hopped into Jimin's car, he was hoping that Taehyung would sit in his car but sadly he went with Jimin.

He sighed for the last time and walked towards his car, opening the door. He started up his car and was about to move when he heard his door open and then shut, he turned his head to see Taehyung putting on his seat belt.

He smiled and started to drive off to school.

Once they reached school they all parked and stepped out of the car with their bags over their shoulders.

As they walked through the hall of their school everyone was staring and Jungkook did not know why but he shrugged it off and kept on walking, Taehyung was not sure on why they were staring but saw Jungkook did not care so he looked towards the ground.

They entered their first class and this was one of Taehyung's favorite classes, he liked this class a lot because of the presentation they're doing.

They sat down at their seats, Taehyung sitting behind Jungkook.

As everyone started to walk in and sat on their desk chair the teacher had walked in.

"Good Morning class, hope all is going well- today you may spend time working on your presentations" The teacher said as Taehyung grabbed his books out and started to write down a few notes.

The day had gone by fast and it was now PE, the school was located near a forest so they were going for a run up a hill. Taehyung had followed everyone into the changing rooms and immediately felt shy.

Every males eyes was on him and he felt super shy, he hated getting un dressed in front of males or anyone for that matter. Jungkook saw Taehyung looking around and felt he was a little scared, he walked over to Taehyung and grabbed his hand bringing up to a corner.

"Get changed pup, I will cover you" Jungkook said turning his back to the alpha's that were still staring their way. Jungkook's eyes were now dark red and heard all the alpha's whimper.

Taehyung ignored it and got changed quickly, he placed his hand on Jungkook's shoulder letting him know he was done.

Jungkook smiled and quickly got changed chuckling when Taehyung looked away quickly, after he was done, Taehyung and himself walked out of the changing rooms onto the field.

They saw their couch standing on the field and all the students ran towards him.

"Alright team we have a new person from another class joining us" The coach said pointing to Jay who had just walked in

Taehyung cursed in his head when he saw him 'can my life get any worse' he said in his head

"Treat him well"

"Now we will be walking through the forest and going for a swim for todays class, lets go" He comments and starts walking towards the forest.

Jungkook and Taehyung walked towards their friends as they were walking through the forest

"I love swimming here" Namjoon said as Jin nodded agreeing

Taehyung was not sure on what to do, he could not swim and was very embarrassed about it, he did not want people knowing that he cant.

As they reach the water everyone starts to hop in, Taehyung slowly gets in and sits in the shallow end of the huge lake.

Jungkook looks around to see everyone in the lake and turns behind him to see Taehyung sitting on a rock in the shallow end, the water reached his knee's he frowned and walked closer to Taehyung.

"Why arent you coming in?" Jungkook asked

"Just dont f-feel like it" Taehyung smiles slowly

Jungkook frowns not believing him for a second, he walks closer and places his hands on Taehyung's thighs

"Tell me whats wrong pup" Jungkook says watching as Taehyung sighed

"I cant swim" Taehyung whispered and Jungkook smiled "That is okay, wrap your legs around my waist" Jungkook said feeling as Taehyung shuffled closer, he smiled once he felt his mates arms around his neck and legs around his waist.

As soon as he started to move he felt Taehyung grip his shoulders.

"Pup, I wont drop you" Jungkook said and creased Taehyung's waist and slowly moved towards the deep end.

Taehyung whispered 'Dont drop me' as he felt his back get wet with water

"I wont pup, I promise" Jungkook said as he pecked his mates neck a few times as he spun them around slowly.

(Authors note: If you could have any superpower what would it be and what would you use it for?)

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