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It was the day Taehyung gets to go home, he was looking forward to it a lot. He needed this, he needed to go home. He was very glad Jungkook decided to take Jun in to see him yesterday it made him feel so much better and he definitely got a better nights sleep.

"Morning Mr.Kim how are you feeling?" The doctor said coming in

"Morning and a lot better thank you" Taehyung said.

"So you remember that yesterday we did some tests just to see why you're having these stomach pains and feeling dizzy- we also wanted to make sure that your stab wound was not growing" The doctor said while Taehyung nodded

"We got the tests back just this morning" The doctor said as he sat down on the chair next to Taehyung.

"Your pregnant" The male said as Taehyung's eyes widened

"N-no I cant be" Taehyung said

"You are and have been for about 3 weeks, your mate should be here soon so you can tell him when your ready. the pictures of the scan are in a envelope in your bag" The doctor said

"Do we know the gender and rank?" Taehyung asks

"It says on the pictures" The doctor said

"And the baby is okay? I got stabbed?" Taehyung said confused

"Yes, the baby is fine- the stab was to the side of your stomach closer to the hip. your mate got here just in time" The doctor said as Taehyung gave a short nod

"I want you to come see me once a week for check up's I will give Jungkook some medication to apply on your stomach when he comes to pick you up" The doc said

Taehyung thanked him before he watched the doctor leave after taking out the line running into his arm. Jungkook was currently walking towards the door Taehyung's room was in.

Taehyung had just gotten off the bed when Jungkook walked in.

"Ready to go baby" Jungkook asked as Taehyung nodded.

Jungkook helped Taehyung get ready.

Jungkook helped Taehyung inside, Jun was currently in Jimin's arms falling asleep up in Taehyung's room.

Jungkook helped Taehyung sit on the couch.

"You still sore pup?" Jungkook asked as Taehyung nodded

"A little" Taehyung whispered

"Here is the remote, do you wanna nap? you hungry?" Jungkook asks watching as Taehyung rubs his eyes

"I feel tired" Taehyung said watching as Jungkook grabbed a blanket from the other couch.

"It is getting colder so here is a fluffy one" Jungkook said placing the blanket over him

"I was wondering why it felt so cold" Taehyung said

"Winter is coming" Jungkook sighed

"Maybe we can go to the shops and get some winter clothes for ourselves and Jun" Jungkook said

"We will also have to go christmas shopping very soon" Jungkook said brushing Taehyung's hair out of his face

"Sleep well love" Jungkook said pecking the side of his head before standing up to go see Jimin upstairs.

"How is he?" Jungkook got asked by Jimin who just put the sleeping Jun into the cot.

"He is feeling a little sore but he is quite tired" Jungkook commented

Jimin nodded understanding

"I will catch up with Tae later, make sure he sleeps lots" Jimin said as Jungkook nodded watching as Jimin left.

Jungkook decided to go around the house making sure everything was locked, it was currently raining outside Tan was currently sleeping beside Taehyung curled around the males stomach.

Jungkook took a quick picture before shutting the curtains and turning the gas fire on to warm the house up. It gets really cold where they are and even alpha's can feel the cold so he needed to make sure the house was warm.

After doing that he turned the lights off and walked upstairs into Taehyung's room, he laid down on the bed and sighed.

It was weird to him that he basically moved in to Taehyung's home but its nice being here and he has a son now and him and Taehyung are mated so it only made sense for him to stay here.

Jungkook had a meeting yesterday about the ceremony that is coming up, they moved the date so it is a week before Christmas. Jungkook was excited, he felt proud. Christmas is in two weeks so that meant that the ceremony was next week.

He forgot to tell Taehyung but he can leave it for tomorrow, the omega showed him the medication and oils for his stomach and throat that needed to be regularly placed onto Taehyung but he did not need to do it today as the doctors had already done it.

Jungkook was thinking back to all the times Taehyung has been in danger, gotten hurt, nearly lost him. College is not a good place for him anymore- well any of them for that matter.

None of the had to really be there, Jungkook was becoming more busy and he is a dad now also which has many responsibilities. He is head alpha and is mated to an omega.

Jungkook was planning to have a conversation with Taehyung about dropping out, he also needed to talk to the others about maybe not going.

Jungkook did not like the thought of him having to be busy and staying at the pack while his omega goes to college with horny and dangerous alpha's.

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