The day had flown by, Jun was in his cot fast asleep. Jungkook had changed his nappy 2 hours ago and fed him before putting him to sleep.Taehyung was downstairs making sure things were tidy and clean before people came over. The omega walked upstairs to his room to see Jungkook staring at Jun who was fast asleep.
He frowned walking up to him, he placed a hand around the males arm- smiling when he turned to him. "Are you okay love?" Taehyung asked worried
"Yeah I just cant believe he is ours" Jungkook said rubbing Taehyung's hand.
"You finished downstairs?" Jungkook asked as Taehyung nodded.
"I just put food in Tannie's bowl so he is eating, time for us to get changed" Taehyung said
"Is this a dressy up thing?" Jungkook asked walking towards his closest
"No I dont think so, just dress nicely I guess" Taehyung said grabbing some clothes
Jungkook picked his clothes and watched as Taehyung walked into the bathroom. The alpha smirked as he walked towards Taehyung who just turned the head of the shower.
"What do you think you're doing" Taehyung said once he realised Jungkook was in the bathroom.
"Well" Jungkook said taking his top off "I am here to have a shower"
"B-but I am having a shower?" Taehyung blushed a little as he watched Jungkook slide his pants off.
"Oh I have an idea" Jungkook said as he grabbed Taehyung's hand
"How about.. we shower together?" Jungkook said laughing at Taehyungs reaction.
"I am kidding Tae" Jungkook said grabbing his top and about to walk out of the bathroom but got his hand pulled back.
"Join me" Taehyung smiled at Jungkook's shocked reaction as he took his top off
Jungkook was not going to question it, they both stripped from their clothes and hopped into the shower. Jungkook started to wash Taehyung's hair without being asked which not gonna lie made Taehyung's heart flutter.
Taehyung always felt cared for, he felt loved.
Jungkook finished Taehyung's hair and started to wash his own,
"Have I ever told you that your ass looks so nice" Jungkook said eyes travelling down
"Hey! eyes up here" Taehyung said turning around
"Sorry, sorry" Jungkook said laughing while putting his hands up
After they finished their showers, they made sure everything was tidy.
"Tae are we making dinner?" Jungkook asked from the kitchen
"I am not sure, they may bring something but maybe we should make something" Taehyung said walking into the kitchen.
"What shall we cook?" Jungkook said
"Uhm I will make tacos, you make something sweet" Taehyung said as Jungkook nodded
And that is what they did, they had been cooking for at-least an hour now, they got distracted a little with listening to music and dancing.
"They should be here any minute" Jungkook said as he slowly walks towards Taehyung who was looking at him.
The true-blood alpha wrapped his arms around Taehyung's waist and smiled when the omega wrapped his arms around his neck.
"You're gorgeous" The alpha whispered
"Y-you're pretty handsome yourself" Taehyung whispered back
Jungkook leaned closer to Taehyung, placing his lips onto the omega's- their lips slowly moved against each other.
The black-haired male travelled his hands lower to Taehyung's ass and gave it a squeeze, smiling when Taehyung moaned. Their tongue's touched and Jungkook moaned slightly as he had one hand on Taehyung's neck and one on his omega's ass.
As they slowly pulled away Jungkook placed his hand on Taehyung's cheek softly caressing it while looking into his eyes. "Let me take you on a date" Jungkook said
"R-really?" Taehyung said
Taehyung loved dates with Jungkook, he always felt his heart race when Jungkook took him out when it was just them two. The only thing is they have a son now.
"I know what you're thinking and maybe we can talk to someone today about looking after jun for the day" Jungkook said
"S-sorry ggukie I dont mean to be-" Taehyung started but got cut off by Jungkook
"No dont apologies, I would be the same with you- since you're the one who gave birth you will be the one to be more protective on who gets to be around our pup and I am glad you feel that way" Jungkook said
"Do you know on who you would like to?" Jungkook said
"I was thinking Jimin but then I was thinking about your mum?" Taehyung said
"May I ask why?" Jungkook asked
"Just cause she has had a kid and would know how to look after him" Taehyung said
Jungkook understood that and was actually really excited for his parents to meet his son, his parents have been texting him and wanting to see and meet him. If you really think about it, Jungkook is their only son.
Once Jungkook gets old his son will be the next head alpha and that is a huge deal.
"I understand that" Jungkook said pecking his forehead.
They heard a knock on the door and they both looked at each other while smiling. They walked hand in hand to the door and opened it.
Jungkook's parents face comes into view.
"Of course you guys are here first" Jungkook said laughing
They all greeted each other as they stepped inside.
"How are you dear, everything okay" Jungkook's mother asked Taehyung pulling away from the hug.
"I am feeling great" He said smiling
"How has your sleep been?" She asked as they all walked to the couch.
"Not really but Jungkook has been amazing" Taehyung said as she smiled.
"Oh we grabbed some hot chips on our way here" Jungkook's father said
"Now show us our grandson" They both said
Jungkook and Taehyung looked at each other trying to think who goes to get their pup.
"You go ggukie, I will put the chips in the oven to warm up" Taehyung said standing up to walk to the kitchen.
Jungkook smiled and rushed upstairs to grab him. He stepped into the room and walked towards the cot to see Jun who was awake.
"Hello baby" Jungkook said smiling as the baby made little noises.
Jungkook unwrapped him from the blanket he was in and lifted him up, Jungkook kissed his cheeks before walking out the room and down stairs.
The alpha walked into the room and immediately heard gasps from his mother, as he walked closer to them.
"Oh he is gorgeous" Jungkook's mother said as Jungkook handed her the baby.
"Oh hello, look at his eyes" His mother said as the pup was looking around.
"He is adorable" Jungkooks father said.
"We are your grandparents hunny"

My Alpha
FanfictionJungkook is a rare true blood alpha, the most possessive of his kind. Taehyung is a rare male omega who struggles to protect himself from other alphas. He is establishing a new school called 'Kingsdale College,' and Jungkook is the school's king. Wi...