48 | Christmas day

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It was christmas day, a week had past since the ceremony and everyone was happy. Taehyung got to go on for walks and was able to take Jun in a pram. He was allowed to talk to members of the pack they were just not allowed to hold him. Jungkook went on walks with him quite a bit.

Jungkook had spent a lot of time planning for christmas as everyone in the pack celebrates it so they ordered lights to go around a huge tree that they have in the park. That will be on tonight, everyone from the pack will be there including the higher ups.

Taehyung and Jungkook woke up and shared a christmas kiss before walking down stairs to see the christmas presents under the tree. They spent the morning with Jun in their laps opening his presents for him.

Jungkook helped un wrap Tannie's presents and the dog was going crazy, he was chasing after his toys. The alpha and omega decided they will give each other their presents tonight.

It was around the afternoon, things were getting set up at the park, there was gonna be food available and christmas music so it felt like a festival. There were gonna be different rides placed around the field with cotton candy machines.

They spent the morning with their families having breakfast and exchanging presents, Taehyung had a few calls to make this morning for the online stuff that starts in two weeks. He was just making sure he was enrolled and everything was sweet before he enjoyed the day.

Jun and Tannie went everywhere with the two today.

They had a pretty eventful morning, but Taehyung would not have wanted it any other way, he has never really gotten to celebrate Christmas. This would be his first christmas that he would be with people.

He was grateful that he got to spend his first christmas with family, and he cant believe he is celebrating his first christmas as a luna, parent to a dog, a pup and soon another baby but also as the head alpha's omega.

"You okay babe?" Jungkook asked Taehyung who was staring out the window from the pack house watching the sunset.

"Perfect" Taehyung said leaning into Jungkook's embrace.

"You okay?" Jungkook was asked by the omega

"Perfect" Jungkook whispered placing his lips into Taehyung's, Their lips moved in sync- Jungkook placed his hands on the males waist and turned him around to face him better.

The alpha slowly pulled away and smiled when Taehyung leaned his head on the alpha's shoulder.

"I just feel so overwhelemed, with happiness its weird" Taehyung said

"Why say that pup?" Jungkook questioned

"I just have never experienced this stuff before I have never felt safe and content and now I do and It just makes me emotional" Taehyung said

"I understand pup, it makes me fustrated thinking about how you lived before all of this- I am just glad your in my arms now and forever" Jungkook said placing his lips onto Taehyung's forehead.

"Do you think our baby girl will be okay?" Taehyung asks

"Are you worried cause she is an omega" Jungkook asked

"Yeah" Taehyung mumbles

Jungkook completely understood why Taehyung was feeling that way especially with his experiences.

"I promise you no one will ever think about hurting or touching her"

"Jun will be able to protect her, Jimin and the others may have kids who would could to school with her"

"Once she is older she may not even want to leave the pack, we will figure it out- but this pack is safe for our family" Jungkook said

"I love you" Taehyung said looking up at Jungkook

"and I love you" Jungkook said placing his lips onto Taehyung's

The festival was starting, they all got their shoes on and headed towards the field. Jun was in Jungkook's arms as Tannie was in Jin's, Jin was in love with Tannie which was really cute to Taehyung as he loved seeing their friends love Jun and Tannie.

Jungkook and Taehyung held hands as they walked towards the festival with their friends and family around them.

They all had coats and jackets on as it was quite cold, Taehyung thought it would be best for Jungkook to hold Jun for a little as it would keep the pup warm.

"Oh wow" Taehyung said as he saw the large tree covered in christmas lights, the field was filled with cool rides and food stools. Families were sitting down together, eating and talking.

It was so nice and Taehyung could feel the love around the pack. Christmas music was playing and some people were dancing and singing around the tree.

Parents were hanging out while their children were on the rides. It was nice that parents get to chill and hang out with each other as their children can go play without them worrying that something will happen.

"Do you guys do this every year?" Taehyung asked

"Sort of, this is by far the best one" Jungkook said

"We normally do something in the hall" Jungkook said

"But it is nice weather and also you're here so you also deserve the best" Jungkook said smirking when he saw Taehyung blush.

"Dear I can have Jun while you and the others go and have some fun, your mother and I will just sit down and chat" Taehyung's granny said

Jungkook nodded and handed her Jun

"Come on lets go have some fun" Jungkook said grabbing Taehyung's hand and taking them to some of the rides.

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