36 | Jun meets family 2

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It had been 30 minutes since Jungkook's parents have been at the house meeting Jun and they are in love. Jungkook has never seen his parents baby talk anyone so it was quite amusing.

They heard a knock on the door, Jungkook went to go grab it and smiled when his friends faces showed. Jungkook hugged them all and dragged them to the living room where the little pup was in Taehyung's arms.

"Oh my gosh he is so cute" Hoseok said as Jimin nodded

"Where do you want us to put this food kook?" Namjoon asked

"Follow me and I can show you" Jungkook said as they walk to the kitchen.

Jin and Jimin stayed behind to meet Jun while the others went into the kitchen with Jungkook.

"So your a father now?" Namjoon says punching Jungkook's shoulder lightly

Jungkook chuckled nodding helping them place the food over the kitchen counter.

"A very blessed father" Jungkook said as he smiles

"Im going to go meet the cutie" Yoongi said as the other followed.

Jungkook finished setting all the food up when he hears Taehyung shout 'Granny'

The alpha chuckled a little at his mate and how much he loved his granny.

Everyone was now eating and chatting, Taehyung's granny was currently holding a sleepy Jun who had just been fed. Taehyung was currently talking to Jungkook's mother outside as they ate.

"How are you finding it all"

"Im loving every moment of it" Taehyung replied

"There is something I wanted to talk to you about" Taehyung said

"Jungkook wants to take me out on a date and obviously someone will need to look after Jun, and I was wondering of you could? it would just be for the day" Taehyung said

"I would love too, I know how you wont like it being away from him since you're freshly still into the cycle but I was the same when I had Jungkook so Jun will be in safe hands" She said

"Thank you so much" Taehyung said smiling.

They continued to talk and joke around while they ate, she showed Taehyung some baby pictures of Jungkook which Taehyung absolutely loved seeing.

Jungkook watched from the lounge, he could see his mother and his mate talking outside from the lounge window. Jungkook was not to afraid of Taehyung's safety with being in the bag yard as his houses is well fenced off and the pack is safe.

Jungkook was really glad that his mate and mother were getting along so well, its highly important that they do so get along. Jungkook travelled his eyes back to his pup who was now in Namjoon's hold but before was in Yoongi's.

Jungkook was truly blessed to have such an amazing family.

It was the next day Jungkook was up early in the morning, Taehyung was in bed still fast asleep. After their family went home last night they cleaned up and got the house back to being tidy, Jungkook told Taehyung he can get into some comfortable clothes while he cleans the rest of the kitchen.

Jungkook finished quicker than expected, he walked over to the bedroom to see Taehyung was naked and trying to get changed. Things escalated from there and just like that they were in the quest room.

I guess you could say when Taehyung wakes up he is gonna be feeling a little sore. Jungkook checked on Jun to see he was still asleep, he walked downstairs and decided to make some breakfast.

As Jungkook was cooking he was also writing notes on his phone, the notes were about the date he was going on today. He had basically everything planned but he wanted to make sure he had ever single thing perfect.

Jungkook's mother should be here in about 3 hour's, himself and Taehyung were planning to spend the whole day out. It is currently 7:00am. The trueblood wanted to get ready early.

He heard footsteps come down the stairs and smiled when Taehyung appeared.

"Good Morning gorgeous" Jungkook said walking over to Taehyung who clung onto him.

"M-morning Ggukie" Taehyung stuttered

"You sore hmm" Jungkook asked as he felt the omega nod against his chest, Jungkook placed his hands under Taehyung's thighs smiling when he heard a squeak as he lead him into the lounge.

The true-blood placed him on the couch grabbing a blanket to place it over the male while he kissed his forehead. "Here is the remote, I will make some breakfast" Jungkook said before rushing back to the kitchen.

Jun has been sleeping quite well these past two days, they started off without getting any sleep but now they're slowly getting some without Jun waking up in the middle of the night.

"Ggukie do you have any meetings today before we go on our date?" Taehyung asked as Jungkook smiled

"Yes, it will be short- Mum should be here before I get back" Jungkook said handing him his breakfast.

Jungkook pecked his mates forehead before rushing upstairs once he heard Jun cry and whine, he walked inside the room and lead his feet to the babies crib.

"Morning baby" Jungkook said smiling as the baby stopped crying, he picked the little boy up and decided to get him changed so Taehyung did not have to worry about it.

The alpha walked down the steps after changing him and walked into the lounge where Taehyung had just finished eating.

"There is my baby" Taehyung said as he spread his arms out, Jungkook chuckled and placed the pup in his arms.

"I better get going to the meeting Tae, see you soon love" Jungkook said pecking Taehyung's lips and Jun's forehead before leaving the house.

Taehyung stared at Jun who was freshly clothed and wrapped up in a blanket.

"Your father is amazing isnt he" Taehyung said as placed his finger by the pup's hands. Letting Jun grasp onto his finger in his tiny fist.

"You're adorable" Taehyung said smiling as the pup yawned.

Jungkook was currently in the meeting hall with his father and other men, they were talking about the pack and its progress and about what happened with Taehyung when he was taken.

"Is the male that took him still alive?" Jungkook got asked as he shook his head

"No, I killed him" Jungkook said bluntly

"Here is the thing, Taehyung is my mate, this packs luna, he is a parents, a friend, a boyfriend and a leader- this pack cant afford to lose someone like him and I especially cant lose him he needs to be protected so if anyone harms him they need to be killed" Jungkook said

"Son I agree, it is important Kim Taehyung is protected and now we have an alpha pup of the first trueblood so the baby and Taehyung need to be protected at all costs" His father said as Jungkook nodded agreeing.

"I am taking Taehyung out for today, mother will be looking after my son while we are gone so I request to have guards outside Taehyung's house please" Jungkook said as the guards at the side of the rooms bowed and left the room.

"Do we have any potential threats" Jungkook said

"Not that we know of, there have been comments about seeing men outside the pack but there aren't enough people talking about  it to do anything about it" His father said as Jungkook nodded

"It should be something we still look into" 

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