17 | The Plan

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Jungkook was at his meeting, he was sitting in a chair waiting for his parents and Mr Chan to arrive. There are a lot of people in this room, Jungkook had his pack team and Mr Chan's pack team here.

Taehyung had woken him up ready for the meeting and Jungkook did not want to leave, he had never felt that comfortable in a very long time. He loved that his mate was starting to get more comfortable with him and was starting to show more affection.

His mate was out with Jimin and Jin at the mall, he had given Jimin his card to take Taehyung out shopping to get some things for himself that he may need for his house.

Taehyung's house was completed and all they needed in their now was furniture, he sent a few men and trucks with them so they can bring all the stuff back.

Jungkook was thankful that his parents liked Taehyung so much, because they are helping Jungkook make all this possible for him. Jungkook wants Taehyung to be safe and happy, it hurts to know that there are people out there that want to hurt his mate.

"Okay everyone, lets get this meeting started" Jungkook said from the front of the room looking around at his team, parents and his parents friends.

"I have done some thinking of combining the packs" Jungkook said looking at his parents and Mr Chan to see that they all look quite nervous.

"I agree" Jungkook said as Mr Chan smiles along with his parents

"So" Jungkook says grabbing a remote and clicking through the slides.

"I have a team now that is taking down a wall and extending it across a huge bit of land where we will build a house, parks, mini schools for parents who are scared about taking their little ones outside of this pack, supermarkets, and a swimming pool, etc" Jungkook said stopping at one slide.

"Now this house is my mates home it has just been completed and it is placed at the back garden and the only way to enter it is through my packhouse where my closet friends stay," Jungkook says

"The reason I am telling you this is that I have heard you have an omega at your pack, so on the other side of the garden we have a gate just like my mates and it leads to a house that is getting built right now for the elderly women so she is protected"

"I have guards patrolling around this area now and then so it is the safest place she can be and if she feels unsafe we will give her a key to my home where there will be a guest room for her if need be," Jungkook said

He looked at the happy faces of the head people and was glad they liked his idea.

"I have organised for people to move most of the house over here as it is not to far away, so then we can get everyone moved in here by tonight" Jungkook said

"I will go call my builders and the rest of my men now to come and help" Mr Chan said grabbing his phone and leaving the room

"The building wall is down and is being guarded and extended by others" Jungkook said

"It is possible to have this all done by tomorrow evening if we all get stuck in and complete this, I am calling a meeting with all the pack members and see if any of them will be keen to help to get extra people in to make this work" Jungkook said

"Any questions"

"Are there pictures of what the schools, house, and gardens will look like? if there are people going to be building everywhere how do people know what goes where?" Someone asked

"That is a great question, yes we have marked where things are going to go- we have got many many trucks coming filled of equipment for gardens and other stuff for houses and everything"

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