39 | College

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A week had gone past

Taehyung still thinks about the day they marked each other and his heart melts at that thought. When they arrived home from that night, Jun was asleep and Jungkook's mother said she had an amazing time and Jun was no hassle at all.

Taehyung went upstairs to see him and he was fast asleep.

Both males did not end up going to college like they were meant to, Jungkook's mother was busy the day after and could not look after him without having to take him out with her which is not what Taehyung or Jungkook would want anyways.

They are planning to go back today as Jungkook's mother can look after Jun. Taehyung was currently in the car with Jungkook, with their friends driving right behind them.

Jungkook kissed Taehyung's hand that he was holding while his other hand was on the steering wheel. Jungkook parked his car in his usual spot, they both hopped out the car after grabbing their bags.

"What do you have first?" Jungkook asked

"I have art, but apparently there is a guest speaker coming in today" Taehyung said as they waited by the car for the others to hop out of theirs.

Jungkook smiled and pecked Taehyung's forehead.

"Tae, I dont wanna scare you by saying this but if you ever feel like your in danger- I want you to mind link me just like we talked about and practiced" Jungkook said as Taehyung nodded understanding

"Ready to go Tae" Jimin said as Taehyung nodded

"See you at lunch" Jungkook said placing his lips onto Taehyung's before pulling away.

Taehyung watched Jungkook leave with Namjoon as Taehyung followed Jimin and Jin inside.

As they walked to their class Taehyung got the occasional looks now and then but not as much as he was expecting which he was kind of thankful for.

They both sat down and chatted till their lecture walked in.

"Hello everyone, my name is Tara and I am here to speak to you all just for 10 minutes about our online courses" Tara says as she clicks a button that shows a powerpoint.

"We are call AETC, AETC is an online platform for you to study anything you want" She says

"There is chef course, language studies, early childhood, business studies- you name it"

"It purpose for this is so that you dont have to come into a college, if you live far or online is something you're interested in"

"Most of these courses are a year of study while doing some type of work experience in that field"

Taehyung zoned out a little after that, he actually really liked the proposal she was making.

And just like that she had finished after a couple of minutes.

"if your thinking of applying please see me after this class" She said before everyone clapped.

Jimin looked at Taehyung who was looking at him, they both had a feeling that each other were interested.

Class had finished and mostly everyone left- Taehyung and Jimin both stayed to get some papers to know more about the online course programme.

She handed them the files and smiled at both boys.

"May I ask why you both may be interested, just so I have feedback?" She asks

"Well I have a child at home, he is a newborn and I hate not being with him" Taehyung said

"I have responsibilities from where I am from so it would save me a lot of time" Jimin said as she nodded understanding both reasons.

"My email is in their so if you need help applying or have any questions come see me" She said smiling

Both males said bye before grabbing their bags and walking out the room.

"I had a feeling you were thinking about it" Jimin said

"Do you think it would be a good choice?" Taehyung asked

"Honestly yes, what would you study?" Jimin asked

"I have been thinking about early childhood" Taehyung said

"Ooo you would be so good at that" Jimin said as Taehyung chuckled

They both walked towards the cafeteria, they spotted the others sitting down eating some food. Jungkook sniffed a little as he smelt Taehyung scent, he turned his head towards Taehyung. He smiled when he saw Taehyung and Jimin walk through the doors.

Taehyung walked towards Jungkook and where they were sitting, the omega sat next to Jungkook. The alpha wrapped his arm around the males waist, and kissed his cheek.

"How was class baby" Jungkook asked making sure everything ran smoothly.

"It went well, how was yours?" Taehyung asked turning to him

"It was alright, do you have sport next?" Jungkook asked as Taehyung nodded

"We are all here with you" Jungkook said smiling.

They spent the rest of the time chatting and eating, the bell had rung and they were off to get changed into more comfortable gear to wear for sport.

Alot of people walked into the locker room, Taehyung followed Jungkook to a corner, Jungkook made sure he stood behind Taehyung.

Jungkook watched as Taehyung looked behind him to see other wolfs side glancing him, he started to feel uncomfortable and Namjoon, Jungkook and Yoongi could sense it.

Namjoon and Yoongi stood next to Jungkook helping to hide the omega completely, the males both closed their eyes as Taehyung quickly got changed. After he was done the others got changed and they walked towards the court.

As Taehyung was walking he was thinking, why. Why is he even at this college he is not learning anything of early childhood.

He has to go through this anxiety and always uncomfortable because of other alpha's.

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