52 | Epilogue

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It was the next day and Taehyung was feeling wide away and happy, he was not feeling weak anymore- he got a really good amount of sleep last night. Jungkook was with him the whole time taking Eunie when she would cry so Taehyung could get some sleep.

Eunie and Jun were both having their day naps, and were in their new room. Eunie sleeps in their room at night but during the day she sleeps with Jun.

Taehyung just finished having a shower after Jungkook, they were now downstairs pre pearing the food for when their family comes over. Everyone in the pack knows Taehyung gave birth yesterday and their family is so excited to meet her.

Jungkook placed Tan's bowl of food on the ground watching the dog eat, before shotting his head up to see Taehyung walking towards him with a smile.

"Hello babe" Jungkook said letting the male fall into his arms and sigh.

"Hello ggukie" Taehyung said as he pecked Jungkook's neck.

"You did so well yesterday"

"Thank you for being there" Taehyung laughed

"Hey I am sorry okay, luckly mum runs fast" Jungkook said as they walked into the kitchen

"What time are they coming today?" Taehyung said as Jungkook looked at his watch in an hour" Jungkook replied.

"We got heaps of food they can have, I am sure they will bring food as well" Taehyung said to Jungkook who nodded

They both shot their heads towards the sound of babies crying.

"I will get it love" Jungkook said as Taehyung nodded, the omega sat down on the couch as he waited for Jungkook to come back.

Jungkook had both babies with him, Taehyung cooed at the sight and smiled when Jungkook sat next to him.

Taehyung took Eunie from Jungkook, the alpha loved moments like this. Where they were together with their now two children and puppy who was still eating away.

"Hello bitches" Hoseok said as he walked through the door to see Jungkook and Taehyung on the couch with the babies. Everyone following behind Hoseok with a plate of food.

They all walked to the kitchen first to place the plate of food down on the bench before walking to the lounge.

"She is adorable" Hoseok said

"Such a beautiful family" Taehyung's grandmother said

Jungkook handed Jun to Jin while Taehyung handed Eunie to Hoseok who sat down on the couch.

"I will help you with the meat" Namjoon said to Jungkook who nodded, they both left to the kitchen to cook.

"I will go grab some drinks from the garage" Taehyung said

"I will help" Jimin said as they both walked to the garage.

They walked towards the fridge and grabbed the drinks out.

"Chim I wanted to thank you for what you did yesterday and I am sorry you had to see all that" Taehyung said

"Tae I am your bestfriend, I honestly dont care- I just wanted you to not be in pain and Eunie be safe- I feel like if Jungkook were to do that he would faint" Jimin said as Taehyung laughed

"Oh for sure" Taehyung said as they carried the drinks into the kitchen.

"Namjoon nearly burnt the house down" Jungkook said as soon as Taehyung appeared

"I thought you werent gonna say anything?!" Namjoon said smacking his shoulder

Jimin and Taehyung laughed as they placed the drinks on the bench.

"Can you grab the plates Tae" Jungkook asked while Taehyung did so.

Everyone ate dinner, there was a lot of food left over so Jungkook and Taehyung told them all to take it back to the pack house if anyone wanted it. Everyone was currently in the lounge talking and chatting.

"I just realised that when Jungkook announced the pregnancy he paused the movie and we never got to watch it" Yoongi said

"Oh my gosh" Jungkook said laughing at the amount of times Yoongi brings that up.

"You can put a movie on now if you want" Jungkook said chucking him the remote.

"Yus" Jungkook heard Yoongi say

Taehyung and Jungkook were sitting on the couch, Eunie and Jun in their arms as Tannie was with Jin.

They looked around the room and smiled, Taehyung adored his family so much. He was now in a great place, Jungkook took a picture of his painting and handed it in for him which he passed on so he is able to do online courses.

They have two children who are healthy and happy, they have a puppy who loves the children and an amazing family.

Taehyung also has an amazing mate who he has no idea what he would do without him.

Jungkook felt Taehyung's gaze on him, he turned his head to see his senses were right.

"Hey cuite" Jungkook said making Taehyung blush

Jungkook said this many of time but he is blessed to have Taehyung as his mate, his world, the parent to his children.

"I love you so much" Jungkook whispered

"I love you more my alpha" Taehyung said connecting his lips with Jungkook's who responded back immediately.

-The End-

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