22 | Tae is in danger

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Sarah had sped through Jungkook's pack alarming the guards who chased after the car yelling, Sarah did not care though as she knew how important it is to get Taehyung to Jungkook.

She parked her car closest to the packhouse and quickly put it in park, she hopped out of the car after taking the keys out and ran to the other side to get the unconscious Taehyung.

She looked behind her once she had the omega in her arms to see the guards getting closer, as soon as she ran inside she saw no one.

She ran up the stairs and down a few halls until she saw a meeting room filled with people and alpha's guarding it.

As soon as she ran towards the room she was stopped.

"You can not enter" The alpha said as Sarah shook her head

"I need to see Alpha Jungkook now!" Sarah demands as the guards looked at her and rolled their eyes

"Take her away" One of the guards said as Sarah's eyes widened

"JUNGKOOK!" She screamed as she thrashed in their arms, she kicked the guard's balls which caused the guard to crouch.

"HELP" She screamed and ran towards the meeting room, as soon as she stepped in all eyes were on her.

"Someone help p-please" Sarah cried as she looked at Taehyung who's face was going pale

She watched as Jungkook stood up from his chair and ran towards Sarah

Jungkook heard all the noise from downstairs but did not think much of it as he was in a meeting, he watched the clock on the wall and grew a little worried.

It was not like Taehyung to not text him and he would have thought the omega would have finished work by now.

Jungkook heard his name being screamed but his mother kicked his leg under the table telling him to focus as his father was speaking.

He looked at his father until a lady walked in with a male in her arms, everyone shot their head towards them as guards ran in pulling her away.

Jungkook's eyes widened when he saw the male in her arms, blood surrounding his mates necks and top.

"Taehyung" Jungkook whispered as he pushed himself from the table and ran towards the girl holding his mate.

"Let her go" Jungkook said as the guards slowly backed off

As Jungkook grew closer he saw Taehyung passed out and quite pale

"What happened to him!" Jungkook yelled as Sarah sobbed and stepped closer to Jungkook and tilted Taehyung's head so his neck was in clear view.

Jungkook's heart broke and he was angry.

Someone marked my mate

Someone touched my mate

Someone hurt my mate

Jungkook cursed and took Taehyung from her arms

Jungkook said nothing before running out of the room yelling Jin's name who walked out from the kitchen and ran towards Jungkook who was walking towards the nursing room.

"What happened?" Jin asked as Sarah walked in explaining everything

"Did you not feel any pain Kook?" Jin asked, as Jungkook shook his head and stood right next to Taehyung who was laying on the bed not moving.

Jungkook was so angry with himself mostly, he failed as an alpha to protect his mate again.

"Sarah you may go home, I will send Jennie a text to let you both know how he is" Jin said as Sarah nodded sadly before walking out the room closing the door.

Jin grabbed a knife and Jungkook's eyes went wide seeing Jin walk closer to Taehyung with it.

"Just cutting his t-shirt" Jin said as he felt Jungkook's worry as he grew closer to Taehyung

As Jin cut the shirt he could see Taehyung's upper body as pale which was very worrying, Jin checked the bite to see a bite mark, blood, and bruising.

Jin grabbed a wipe and gently cleared the area

As soon as Jin cleared the blood he sighed in relief but quickly shot his head to Jungkook who punched the wall

"Hey Kook" Jin said walking closer to him worried

"He is marked Jin, he is hurt and is marked by another alpha" Jungkook said eyes red

"Calm down, he was a bit but Sarah walked out and yelled just in time before he really pierced the mark"

"So he just bit him with the intention to mark him but he did not as there is a scratch mark of teeth along a bit of his neck and shoulder," Jin said showing him

"To get a wolf marked it takes a little while if you aren't mated to the wolf and he marked Taehyung in the wrong spot," Jin said pointing to the area

Jungkook felt relieved that Taehyung was not permanently marked. This really does show how its time for himself and Taehyung to have to conversation about marking each other.

"So how come he is not waking up?" Jungkook asks creasing Taehyung's hand

"He went into a state of shock when it had happened, he is going to be very very weak for the next few days- his hunger will be all over the place and he will feel quite tired and sore," Jin said as he goes to a cabinet and grabs out some medication.

Jungkook takes the medication and places it in Taehyung's bag

"Is it okay to take him home?" Jin nods at Jungkook's question

"It will be best to take him to his own house so he is not near other wolves as he may feel scared for the first two days" Jin suggested as Jungkook nods picking his mate up carefully.

"I will bring his bags" Jin said as they walked out the room, they walked out the pack house and towards Taehyung's home. Jungkook unlocked the door and carried Taehyung towards the couch

"Will he be hot or cold?" Jungkook asked

"It depends, it can change" Jungkook nodded at Jin's reply and places the bags on the table.

Jin walked closer to Taehyung and felt his head then arms

"He is freezing" Jin said worried and rushed to shut the windows, Jungkook walked towards the fire place and started it up while Jin went around the house shutting the window's.

"Kook I will be back, I am going to go cook Taehyung some soup so I will be back" Jin said as Jungkook nodded

He grabbed a blanket after starting the fire and placed it over Taehyung.

Jungkook sighed and groaned in frustration, how could he let this happen. He could do nothing but blame himself for his mate getting hurt.

Taehyung was his world, his universe and if one day Taehyung was not here he would not know how to live. Over the past few months of them being together Jungkook grew attached to the omega fast.

Jungkook sat on the other side of the couch and just kept an eye on Taehyung.

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