As weeks go on Taehyung's tummy is getting bigger and bigger, they are at the end of the year. Finally.Taehyung has been thinking about how much he has been waiting for this moment, he was quite worried he was going to have his baby during classes. To have the pup during the holidays is what Taehyung wanted.
Jungkook also wanted the same.
It is getting closer and closer to Christmas and the pretty lights were everywhere in the pack, Jungkook ordered a huge Christmas tree that was placed at the front of the pack.
Jungkook has been quite busy with all the work he has been doing lately but made sure whenever his mate was home, he was right next to him.
Taehyung has been quite clingy lately but Jungkook loves it.
It was there last week at school this week and Taehyung was getting ready this morning, he was doing his hair when he felt hands wrap around his waist and hands on his stomach.
"Good Morning baby" Jungkook whispers to Taehyung who smiled back at him.
"Morning Ggukie, how did you sleep?" Taehyung asked
"Amazing, especially with you by myside" Jungkook said
Taehyung giggled as he felt Jungkook peck along his neck.
"You hungry?" Jungkook asked but his mate shook his head
"No, I will grab something on campus if I am hungry" Taehyung said.
Jungkook nodded pecking his neck one more before letting go.
"I have to go to a meeting, I will see you when I get home" Jungkook said
"Bye Ggukie have a great day" Taehyung said pecking Jungkook's cheek
Jungkook smiled at his mate who rushed out of the room from just giving him a peck on the lips.
'Such a cutie' He thought before grabbing his work bag and walking out of the house.
Taehyung walked through the doors so happy that it was the last week of uni for the year, he was tired and missed sleeping in.
He wished he could spend more time with Jungkook, but they were both so busy. Taehyung entered the classroom doors to see Chris and a bunch of the males friends sitting around the tables.
"Oh hey Tae" Chris said waving to him
Taehyung smiled and waved back, he walked towards Chris and sat next to him.
"Your friends arent here today?" Taehyung shook his head
"They had a meeting" Taehyung said looking at Chris who nodded his head
"Wanna come to my place? I recently got a new puppy" Chris said as Taehyung gasped and nodded his head fast
"Yes!" Taehyung replied and Chris chuckled
"Meet me at the tree at the front" Chris said before students started walking in.
Taehyung nodded and turned around to grab his laptop and books out of his bag.
The day was coming to a end finally and Taehyung was so excited to see the puppy that Chris was talking about.
"Hey Tae ready to go?" Chris said walking up to him with a friend behind him.
"Yup, let me text Jungkook to tell him I will be home later-" Taehyung said but got cut off rather quickly
"No its okay my friend here is on the way to the pack so he will tell him for you" Chris said
"Are you sure? I dont mind texting him?" Taehyung says but Chris shook his head
"Dont worry he is going now" Chris said and nudged his friend a little who nodded and left
"Lets go then" Taehyung said following Chris down the pathway.
Chirs gave him a slight smile before they started walking.
The whole walk towards Chris's pack Taehyung was full of questions.
"What is the puppies name?"
"Girl or boy?"
"When did you get him?"
"What type of a puppie is he? a cuddly one?" Taehyung asked as they stepped at the front door.
Chris opened the door and let Taehyung walk in first
"You will see" Chirs replied shutting the door
"He is in my room come" Chris said as they walked down the hall way and down the stairs
"I thought your room was upstairs?" Taehyung questioned
"It is, I have two rooms and the dog loves my room downstairs" Chris said as Taehyung watched him unlock a door with a key and pushed it open.
As they walked inside the room Taehyung saw the puppy in the corner of the room shivering and whimpering.
Taehyung frowned a little confused as to why the pup is reacting that way
"I think I am scaring him" Taehyung said and turned to Chris who shut the door.
Taehyung's heart was racing a little, something wasnt right.
But before he could turn around to see Chris he felt pain shoot through the back of his head and then everything went black.

My Alpha
FanficJungkook is a rare true blood alpha, the most possessive of his kind. Taehyung is a rare male omega who struggles to protect himself from other alphas. He is establishing a new school called 'Kingsdale College,' and Jungkook is the school's king. Wi...