34 | Welcome baby Jun

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"Babe go back to sleep, I got him" Jungkook said to his mate who nodded and fell back asleep.

Jungkook had walked to the cot and slowly picked up the crying Jun from the cot, Jungkook walked downstairs with Jun in his arms and decided to get a bottle ready.

"You probably arent getting back to sleep are you" The alpha says pecking the small babies forehead

The baby is healthy, happy and over all a great baby. The only thing is that the Baby does not sleep much only during the day it sleeps.

Jungkook knows the omega has not gotten much sleep since he gave birth so he has been the one to wake up when the baby cries.

He wants Taehyung to rest as much as he can.

Tannie loves the little boy, he is always around him- when they place Jun on the mat Tannie will go lay next to him. Jun is an alpha, to say Jungkook was pleased would be an understatement. Dont get him wrong he would be happy with an Omega pup but with being apart of a pack you have to carry along the family line.

He was blessed to have his first child be a alpha so that he could also protect his younger children when he has them, if Taehyung wants to have more kids. Which Jungkook is sure he would want to.

There was a small knock on the door before Jungkook heard the door open, he sniffed the air but smelt no threat. He smiled once he saw Jimin walk into the room holding some flowers.

"How is Tae?" Jimin asked as Jungkook smiled "He is good, just catching up on some sleep" The alpha replied. Jimin sat down on the couch next to Jungkook.

"Jun is gorgeous" Jimin said watching as Jun went from Jungkook's arms to his own.

"He is so little" Jimin said looking at the little boy who was now asleep.

"How are you feeling Kook?" Jimin asked turning his head to face the alpha who sighed

"I am happy, I am a dad, an alpha to a pack and an omega who I love- but there still is a huge part of me that feels like I have failed at being an alpha" Jungkook said

"What you have protected this pack so muc-" Jimin said but got cut off

"I mean with Taehyung, whenever he is in danger I am never there- i couldn't sense anything. I felt-" Jungkook started not finding the right word

"Helpless?" Jimin questions watching as the male next to him nodded

"Kook is he marked by you?" Jimin asked

"Yeah" Jungkook said already know where this conversation was leading

"I have noticed heaps of changes since I marked him, I can sense him and I know his feelings. Which is a relief."

The conversation was cut short when they turned their heads to see Taehyung walked down the stairs while rubbing his eyes.

"Hey pup" Jungkook said walking over to Taehyung pulling him into a tight hug.

"How did you sleep babe" Jungkook asked feeling Taehyung place his head on his chest

"I feel a lot better thank you, how did you sleep" Taehyung asked as Jungkook pecked his head

"Perfect, Jimin is with Jun- I will go make us some coffee" Jungkook said

"Want any cofffee or tea Jimin" Jungkook says as Jimin shook his head

Jungkook nodded and walked to the kitchen letting Taehyung and Jimin chat for a little.

"Hey Tae" Jimin said as Taehyung sat next to him.

"How are you feeling" Jimin asks as Tae smile "Better"

"Jun is gorgeous" Jimin said both looking at the little pup in his arms.

"Your a dad" Jimin said as Taehyung nodded, feeling his throat get blocked as well as his eye sight.

"Dont cry Tae, you will make me cry" Jimin said as they both chuckled

"Are you going to bring him out anywhere?" Jimin asks

"Not yet, It is weird I feel kinda of scared taking him out" Taehyung said

"He is your first pup, of course you will feel that way" Jimin said

"Is there anyone that you will allow to see the pup, the others are wanting to meet him so bad" Jimin said

"Of course they can, maybe just Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Granny and Jungkook's parents for now" Taehyung said

"Im not sure If I want Jun to be introduced to the whole pack just yet" Taehyung said

"Oh you dont have to worry about that one, they meet the baby two weeks when you get crowned as luna" Jimin said

Taehyung was not 100% what that meant and was about to ask questions but Jungkook walked into the room holding his cup of coffee in his hands.

"Thanks ggukie" Taehyung said taking the cup

"Was just talking to Tae about the others meeting Jun" Jimin said

"Oh yes, when were you thinking?" Jungkook asked Taehyung who smiled

"Maybe tonight, we could all have dinner here?" Jungkook nodded at what Taehyung said thinking it would be a great idea.

"I will get going and I can tell the others" Jimin said handing Jun to Taehyung who put his coffee mug on the table.

"Can you visit granny and tell her for me" Taehyung asked leaning in to hug Jimin

"Of course" Jimin said hugging him back, Jungkook gave Jimin a hug before they both watched him leave. Jungkook sat on the couch next to him after bringing a blanket.

The Alpha spreads his legs letting Taehyung sit between them, Jungkook places the blanket over them while wrapping his arms around his mates waist.

The omega leans his back against his alpha's chest. Jungkook's gaze was on his son who was asleep in Taehyung's hold.

Jungkook pecked Taehyung's neck "I love you so much" Jungkook said

"I love you more ggukkie" Taehyung said pecking Jungkook's cheek.

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