18 | Granny?

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The day had gone by and it was very busy at the pack, it was early morning the next day and they had till 9pm tonight to complete all of this. So far things were going great!, A lot of the houses from Mr Chan's pack had been placed here.

Jungkook had no idea that Mr Chan's pack had no fencing or a wall around it.

People may think that is it not a little self-isolating to have a wall around the whole pack, but Jungkook listens to his people and they seemed to prefer that there was a wall around the pack.

Jungkook was with the builders helping them around, Taehyung was with the others helping them with the kindergarten and garden stuff.

The omega had just finished a lot of gardens and helping with all the kindy centres that were being decorated. He was on his way to his house to fill his house with the clothes he bought today. He did not take Jungkook's card, he used his own money for it- he worked a few jobs now and then and saved up and did not spend much.

The alpha did not need to know that though, Taehyung walked inside his house to see the furniture was already placed and now he basically just had to sort out his room and order food to put in his kitchen.

As Taehyung was upstairs sorting his room out he looked out the window that lead to a little balcony where Taehyung got the perfect view of everything.

Taehyung can see houses being placed a little far away and he can see the wall barrier getting built back up. Taehyung had an outdoor little couch which was covered up the top just incase if it rained.

Jungkook really knew the type of things he liked, Taehyung walked back inside and tried to finish unpacking.

Once he had finally done his home he went to the computer that was in the office room and started to order things online, food.

Once he placed the order he got a text from Jimin saying for him to go to the pack house, the omega walked down his stairs and out the door- he shut it behind him and walked towards the back ranch slider.

He had a feeling that they may be in Jungkook's office so he walked up the stairs and heard talking through the door of his mates office.

Taehyung slowly opened the door and was met with Jungkook's face who gave him a warm smile

"Oh Tae you're here this is Juri, the other omega from Mr Chan-" Jungkook started but paused when he saw Taehyung's eyes teary as he looked at the women that was standing in front of Jungkook's desk.

"G-grandma?" Taehyung said as tears were running down his face

"Taehyung?" Juri said as she turned at her grandson in shock

"G-grandma" Taehyung cried out as he ran to her arms hugging her tightly

"You're still alive, you're still alive" He heard his grandmother whisper as he felt her hug him back

"I m-missed you, I did not k-know where you w-were- I was scared they hurt you" Taehyung said looking at his grandma who smiled sadly at the boy

"I am here now bear" His granny said

"You scored yourself a true blood" His granny said as Jungkook chuckled while Taehyung blushed

Jungkook was never the type of person to feel like he had to keep an eye on something for so long, but here he was staring at Taehyung and his grandma through his office window. It's not like he was worried but he was.

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