mmh, new quirk?

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The next day;

Yesterday ,i realised how defenseless i was. I made up a bet with kacchan and intended to win it. I set my alarm at 5am , ate a quick breakfeast and went to the park next home.

I still didnt know what to begin with, after mumbling a bit i decided that i had to start with some martial art, i knew a club around the corner where i lived, i decided to go there to observe some pro and eventually be trained by one of them, when i got and saw an old men lazily sitting on the ground.

I was perplex at how to begin the conversation, i finally chose the normal greeting, at what he nodded.
Then i wanted to explore futthermore, but i felt a presence behind me , i turned quickly but saw no one, maybe my imagination...

I continued my way in the dark piece, i started to wonder if it was even open, when i heard a noise in the ceiling i immediatly backed off, thats when i saw the old men hooked up there, i was amazed by how he could stay there while smiling.

I wanted to talk but all i could say were some ununderstandable noises "euh.. uh??"

I was quite speechless but he decided to go down and face me "mmmh you are quite special, do you know that?"he said, i tilted my head right and left, and mumbled a "no".

"My quirk is concealing, i can conceal my presence so that no one can sense it but YOU , you could tell where i was evrytime, young boy do you know your quirk?" He said, i responded with a second "no" but more determined this time.

He smiled and said "well from what i see you might have super sense and maybe even agility if you train you could be an incredible fighter" i couldnt believe what i heard, i couldn't figure out my own quirk and this old men found it in no time.
"A-are you serious?" I said , still not believing him.

Thats when he abruptily sent me his right fist, i didn't have time to think about it that i already dodged it, "do you see now?" The old man said. "Bu-but i-i ,h-how-w..." i didnt realize i was crying until i felt cold tears runing down my cheeks .

"My name is taiku raido, call me raido-sensei from now on, i decided to take responsability of you, you came here to train right? " i nodded "then its settled. I will be your teacher, but dont think i will go easy on you, i want you here every day after school and the weekends , we have a long way to go, young boy" then i knew, i took a new big step to achieve my goal , U.A highschool.

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