oh shit

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"Alright students pack your stuff in 10 minutes and wait in the hallway, we're going on a trip for 4 days" "A TRIIIP"the students said "10 MINUTES, GO NOW." "UNDERSTOOD, AIZAWA SENSEI"

"hey izuu, its so cooool we are travelinng" "it is, but where are we going??" "Dunno aizawa didn't specific, so i guess we have to take random clothes not too hot not too cold" ocha said "mmh guess you're right" "well gtg" "yeah me too, in 10 mins"

I arrived the room and started packing my clothes, waiting for bakugo *huh where the hell is he?* after 5 mins he came on a rush, panting "where the hell were you" i said "shut the fuck up, its all because of that shitty hair" "what did you do again" "HE CALLED ME BOOMBOY" "WAHAHAHHA HE'S RIGHT THO" "DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH?" He said fire on his hand "hehe not really, anyways you have to pack your things we have to go in 5min" "DAMN, HELP ME DONT JUST STAND THERE LAIGHING" "yes, yes my lord" i said smiling, after we finnally took everything we went to the hallway where aizawa was waiting for us.

"Everyone's here, well done, just put your things on the bus and sit down in silence" "euh sensei where is the bus?" "Just wait and see", thats when an enormous black car came, wow thats a top school.

I never knew i could travel in such an vip car, each row had tree sits i sitted in the middle with bakugo on my right side, all the students took a sit a part for todoroki who seemed lost, poor puppy, i waved at him and showed him the free sit on my left "HEY NERD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING??"kacchan said reminding me of his presence, shoot i totally forgot his possessive behaviour "look at him, don't you feel any compassion?" I said trying to softened him a bit "tsk" he said pouting and looking at the windows, i took his hand and smiled at him "you know that i love you right?"he blushed but nodded not letting go of my hand.

"Thanks izu-kun for your generous offer" "oh no worry, i saw you there and though you were lost" "actually i was, i wanted to go the bathroom and when i came very place were occupied" "its okay" "well sorry izu-kun but i will put my earphones" "go ahead"i said to him.

In fact the ride bought us to a FUCKING V.I.P PLANE, we asked aizawa sensei where we were going but what a stuborn man, he refused to give us a single clue.

This time it was a four sit rown separated in the middle, for the delight of kacchan who had a big bright smile, he's too cute for me.

(Fun fact *bakugo's affraid of flights*) i noticed bakugo's hand shaking as we sitted, whats going on i thought to myself, when the pilot told us to prepare for the take-off ,bakugo's face turned blue, his hands sweating "hey hey men you're sweating careful to not blow the entire plain" i said joking "SHUT THE FUCK UP I DONT NEED YOU TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO" "wtf why are you so irritated, dont tell me... are you affraid?" "HELL I AM" i contained hardly my laugh, the great lord explosion murderer was affraid of flight "its okay, dont worry hold my hand" i said thinking that i should calm him down, i didn't give him time to think as i holded his hand and the plane flew up, after that he let a giant sigh, finally relaxing thats when i finally could laugh "DONT YOU DARE TELL ANYONE" "promise  promise" i said smiling.

The flight lasted around 12 hours, TWELVE FUCKING HOURS kacchan took a nape, head on my shoulder even tho his aggressive appearance he's such a big teddy bear.

As i looked down the window, i lnew we were on europe probably france, i began to laugh when i remenbered that i sang to kacchan that i would take him to paris (ref: chapter "sexy maids"), seems like i really did.

I was right, we really were at paris, the city of lights, aizawa took us to the hotel right away, it was fucking midnight.

"Well, im gonna tell you two per two your rommate and your room number, allright denki-kun and kirishima-kun room 154, ... midoriya kun and todorokikun room 172, bakudo kun and tenya kun room 173."
Wait, what did he just say...

(Sorry this chapter was really short, but i need help for some dramas during this trip does anyone have any idea? Please tell me in the comments ;)

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