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The place was crowded and incredibely livefull, when we entered we heard some of the persons saying "who's that handsome boy??" "Is it his girlfriend, she's really hot" "too bad they are together but they really look handsome" some persons blushed too, do you know how i felt? FUCKING POWERFULL I THOUGHT I COULD RULE THE WORLD BY MYSELF, but i sensed a little kick from the hand of uraraka, she was pointing bakugo, he was with girls all around him, honestly i hated it, don't you dare approch my man. Ocha told me to go for it, i told her the same cause i saw Iida blushing at her and visibly nervous, urgh if they dont go out by today i'll kick their ass.

While i was looking at them i felt someone staring at me i turned to see who and found out it was bakugo holding two drinks and giving me one of them, "thanks" i said hoping he will not notice that i blushed "anyway what were you doing?" I said "finding a fucking way to get out of those sluts" his tone was so exasperate that i couldn't contain my laugh, seems like i didn't had to worry.

Thats when denki approched us and put an arm around my shoulders saying "heyyy guyyyysss, howw aree yoouuu doingg" he nearly collapsed right before kirishima held him in his arm, they looked like a disney couple it was hilarious "sorry guys this dumbass right there couldn't wait to drink and took litterally 6 shots of vodka" "go take care of your men" i said joking but when he blushed i said "NOO FORRREALL" "shhhhh, he doesn't know it yet" i put my hand on my heart promising to not say a thing he sighed and smiled before taking denki to his room.

I forgot that kacchan was here before i sensed a hand on my waist pulling me out of this people-mess, i didn't understand what was going on until i saw thats it was kacchan's hand, my heart skipped a beat.

He stoped at a corner where they were pratically no one and said "gosh those extras are way too loud" i laughed but agreed the sound of the music was incredibly high, "kacchan?" "what do you fucking want?" "to dance" "HuH, to what?!?!?" he asked confused, "i want to dance" i repeated "in your dreams nerd, dont get too coquy" "ahh then i have to find another partner, such a waste"

He stoped drinking and let out the biggest sigh ive ever heard "damn, if you want to danse, do it here with... m-me" he said whispering in the end, i smiled and took his hand i was a bit drunk seems like that drink earlier was really strong, i took him in a corner where we can't be seen but the sound was good , i started by leaning my body to force his hands around my waist, putting my arms on his shoulders circling his neck, i slowly moved my hips against his in the rythm of the song.

"See its not that bad" i said, smirking at him "tsk" he simply responded but with an evident blush, seeing his response i began to move closer and putting my fingers on his hair, i liked them damn too much, after that he possessively accentued the pressure of his hands on my waist sticking my hips to him firmely, i got butterflies down there and blushed, i wanted to cover my face by putting my head on his chest, but he put his hand on my neck making me seeing him in the eyes "i apologize for what i did and said to you 11 years ago" his sadened eyes took me by surprise i didn't know he could apologize like that, my heartbeart ecrazed like hell i litteraly thought that everyone could hear it "no worries" i simply responded with a little smile.

"Let us enjoy this party till the end" i said laying on him i could hear his fast heartbeat, his arms around my back warmed me, i felt safe in his arms. I started thinking about our relationship, even tho all of those problems i liked him, i always did. thats why i wanted to prove him that bad that im worth something. We were such ploblem kids i giggled a bit.

"What are you laughing about about, nerd ?" "Our childhood, stupid kacchan" "stupid WHO" "kacchaaaan" i said with a flirtatious tone staring at him right in his bloody eyes "tsk" he said, turning his red face away. I learned that he "tsked" everytime he was embarrassed and didn't know what to respond, it was kind of cute.

It almost made me forget the second part of the plan "the sexy outfit" i get up from kacchan's warm body and in front of his confused face i said "i will be back soon" followed by a wink he tsked again but nodded. I searched ocha but no sight of her i checked my phone and saw 15th missing calls every one of them from her, i called in a rush, starting to worry.
I:" *i told her everything that happenned with kacchan*"
U:"mmh urgh you're forgiven, but dont let wandering like that ever again" her voice softened a bit
I:"promise, aniways where are you im coming"
U:"in my room wondering which of the blue or the black heel i should put" she said exasperate, seeing her like made me laugh a bit.
I:"don't worry, im coming to help you, young princess in distress"
U:"urgh just shut up and come upstairs i remind you that its me who have your second outfit"
I:"oooh right, coming" i said then hung up.

The part two is coming soon hehe...

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