Going From Bad To Worse

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Meghan's POV

I cried for like 10 minutes before I wiped my tears away and looked at my phone. Jake and Sam texted me. I opened Sam's first

Bestie 🥸: Hey girl so the band and I went home instead since you're the only one who's really needed since were done with most of our scenes
Meg: Yeah it might be a while before I'm off

While I waited for Sam to text back I looked at the text from Jake.

Jake 😘: Hey I went home because I had some things to take care of

Meg: Okay, it might be a while before I'm home.

Jake 😘: see ya later

That's weird, he usually says love you to me. I shook it off and I heard the door knock. I open it to see Owen. Owen and I never really talked so I found this weird. "Hey Owen, am I needed?" "Oh, no, I just saw you come in here and I wanted to make sure you're okay." He smiled, which made me smile. "I'm okay, just dealing with some things." "Oh, did you want to talk about it?" I started thinking about my mom. I felt the tears coming back but I wiped them,"I'm good. I mean- I'm not ready to talk about it." "I'm here if you do." I came out of the trailer. "Ya know Owen, we've never really talked so this is nice." "Yeah, well I'm needed back on set, did you wanna walk with me?" "Yeah, I want to see Cha- everyone anyway." He gave me his 'I don't believe you' look. I sighed," Okay, I want to see Charlie, because he's my friend, not because I like him." He still didn't believe me. We started getting to know each other when I heard Charlie's voice, "Megs, Owen, We have one more shot and then we're done for the day." I smiled. I looked at Charlie and I felt those goddamn butterflies. I think I need to break up with Jake, I love him, I do, but I think I fell in love with Charlie. I didn't realize that I saw staring until Owen cleared his throat. I snapped out of it and went to set. Madi and Jadah was standing in the garage. I went up to them and I hugged them. Jadah knows about my feelings for Charlie after she overheard me and Madi talking about it. I said, not to loudly, "I think I'm gonna break up with Jake." Madi and Jadah looked at each other and smiled. I was confused, "Okay, what are you not telling me?" Madi said, "We debated on when you were gonna break up with him, I mean with how much you talk about Charlie, we figured it be soon." I giggled and shook my head. I head Kenny yell, "Quiet on set, Action"

After an hour of us trying to get this scene right because Owen kept trying to make us laugh, we finally got done. I gave Madi and Jadah a hug. "Good luck." Jadah said. I took a deep breath. I went to the car because Sam was picking me up. I told her not to tell Jake because I wanted to surprise him. We got home and I went to Jake's room. I opened the door and I wish I hadn't. I saw Jake and Lucy kissing. Jake saw me and pulled away, "Meg-" "No, I can't believe you!" I ran out of the apartment and I went to the one person I knew would help me besides Sam. I ran to Charlie and Owens place. I knocked on the door. When it opened it was Charlie. Before he could say anything I hugged him and started crying.

Charlie's POV

Megs was hugging me and crying. I saw Owen come out of his room and sees us. I looked down at Megs and asked," Are you okay?" She shook her head. She said between sobs," he... ch-cheated... o-on... m-me." That pissed me off.I wasn't the only one. "I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch," I saw Owen about to leave but Megs pulled away from me," No, don't. It's not worth it." Owen stopped and went to Megs and gave her a hug. Megs pulled away and we all sat on the couch. Owen asked," what happened?" Megs was calm now. "I got home and I went to surprise him and when I opened his door," she sighed, "I saw him and Lucy kissing." I asked," Lucy? The ex girlfriend?" She nodded. I hugged her again," I'm sorry Megs." She started giggling. I was confused. "I find the way you say sorry, it makes me laugh, it's adorable but it makes me laugh." I smiled. She's my friend who I happen to lo- like. Eh fuck it, Owen's right, I am in love with her, right now she needs time before I ask her out. Anyway as long as it got her to laugh. Also she called me adorable. I heard another knock on the door. Owen opened it and it was Sam. She went past Owen and sat next to Megs, giving her a hug and Megs started crying again.

Megs POV

I started crying again when Sam was hugging me. She started talking," We can kick him out of the band and have him move somewhere else and..." I interrupted her," Calm down, Sam." She sighed," You're right. I know this isn't a good week for you." My eyes went wide. I heard Charlie ask," What is she talking about?" I sighed. I starting thinking about my mom. I started crying again. Sam hugged me and said, "I'm sorry I don't think she's ready yet." I shook my head," No, I need to tell them about my mom, they deserve to know." Owen and Charlie gave me a weird look. I all of a sudden felt sick. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. After a few minutes I got up and went back to them. I grabbed some water and I drank it. I sat down on the couch as everyone stared at me. I finally spoke," It started 5 years ago..."

A/n I know I haven't been active I've been busy lately but I hope you like it 😁

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