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Meghan's POV

I couldn't believe she was here. I looked at Charlie and then back at my mom. "Hello, Meghan." I felt the tears forming. It looked like she was about to cry too. "Thank you Charlie for being me here." I turned to Charlie," You did this for me?" I saw him tearing up too,"I know how much you were hurting so I got into your phone while you were asleep and I called her, she missed you so much Megs." The tears slipped out. I hugged him," Thank you." He hugged me back. I let go and I went to my mom. Before I knew it we were hugging too. I started sobbing," Mom I'm so sorry.." she interrupted me," Don't be sorry Meghan, it's my fault, I was scared and angry with how things ended with your dad and I didn't want you to be gone too but I pushed you away instead. Will you forgive me?" I nodded. I couldn't say anything. I was just glad she was here. I turned to Charlie. "Go enjoy the day with your mom, I'll tell Kenny about what happened, if you want me too, if not I'll lie and say you got sick." "You can tell him, I'm sure he'll understand." He nodded and walked to the drivers seat. Before he got in I spoke," wait." He stopped and turned to me. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and gave him the keys," Thank you again Char." He smiled and went in his car. My mom and I started walking.

Charlie's POV

She kissed my cheek. That's all I could think about on the way back to set. She's definitely much happier. When I got back to the studio I told Kenny what was going on. He was cool with it. I went to everyone since they were all in "the studio" talking. Madi saw me," Charlie! Where's Meg?" "She's with her mom." Owen was surprised," She actually came?" "Yeah, I guess she missed Megs just as much as she missed her." They all awed. "Charlie, you're definitely in love with her," Madi said a little sass. I rolled my eyes," What's that supposed to mean?" "No one would've done that for someone they're not in love with." "Okay maybe I am. She just broke up with Jake, I'm sure she wants some time before she gets into another relationship, that is if she likes me." Owen spoke next," Wow, you are as oblivious as she is." "What's that supposed to mean?" I was confused. Madi sighed," You both simp for each other." My eyes went wide," Really?" Owen smacked my arm," Yes! She obviously likes you, she called you adorable this morning." Madi said something that surprised me the most," She was gonna break up with Jake for you before everything happened." Everyone but Jadah yelled," What?!" Madi's eyes went wide," Yeah she told Jadah and me this." We were all getting called to get ready and for Jadah to get behind the camera.

Meghan's POV

My mom and I got ice cream and now we were at a park. We were catching up. "I'm so proud of you Meg, I should've been more supportive." I put my hand on her arm," It's okay mom, I'm just glad you're here now. Not all parents apologize." She smiled. I missed my mom so much and now I have her back. "So, Charlie is...?" "My best friend, but I've kinda developed feelings for him." Her smile got wider," Well I think he has feelings for you too." "Do you really think so?" I asked hopefully. "Yes, I think he might actually be in love with you." My eyes got wide. I started to stutter," H-he w-what n-no." "Yes he does, I mean he brought us back, only someone who loves and cares about you would do that." I smiled," I think I might be in love with him too, any time he and I touch or stare at each other I feel butterflies and it just feels like we're the only ones there." "And what about that other guy, the guitar player in your band?" "Jake? He kinda cheated on me." "I am so sorry hun." "It's okay Mom, I wanted to break up because..." I realized something. "How long are you gonna be here mom?" "I'll be here for a few days, why?" I gave her a hug," I gotta talk to Jake." "Are you sure?" "Yes." "You obviously have my number, maybe we can have lunch or dinner." "That'd be great Mom." "Okay love you!" I smiled really wide," I love you too." I started walking towards the studio to get my car when I accidentally bumped into someone," I am so sorry." "Meghan?" I looked up to see someone I'd never expect," Dean?!"

A/n Uh Oh, another ex? What do you think will happen? Also sorry it's kinda short.

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