First Day Of Filming

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Meghan's POV

My alarm was going off at 5 in the morning. We had to be at the studio at 7. I got out of bed and I grabbed my phone. I got a text from Charlie last night.

C:Can't wait to work with you tomorrow 🧡😁

I smiled. I swear ever since I met Charlie I can't stop being happy. Wait, what am I saying? I have Jake, he's keeping me happy. Ugh I'm confused. I'm not gonna lie though, Jake was acting weird yesterday. I hung out with Charlie for a while since he's become my closest friend. He actually helped me practice my lines. Everyone else was busy and Charlie knew how to act. Especially when it comes to the guy he played on Charmed, the reboot version. Oh is he hot in that show though. Damn it, I think I kinda like Charlie. I doubt he feels the same way though. No, Meghan, you have Jake, ya know, the guy who you've had a crush on for 3 years. I get up and I get ready. I heard everyone else get up and I go to the living room and wait for everyone. I feel my phone go off. I look at it to see that Madi had texted me. She gave me her number at my party.

Madi👁👄👁: hey girl, can't wait to see you and work with you 😁
Meg: Can't wait either 😄

Everyone finally came downstairs. We all piled up in the car and we were off to set. We got there around 630. We get in and the boys go to wardrobe and Me and Sam goes to hair and makeup. V went to go find Kenny. We get in the trailer and we are greeted by two women. "Hello! You both must be Sam and Meghan. I'm Jane, the makeup artist, and that's Genine, the hair dresser. I will be taking Meghan and Genine will take Sam." Sam goes to the opposite side of the trailer. I smile at Jane. She smiled back at me. She directed me to a chair. I sat down and she got started. We talked while she did my makeup. When she was done she showed me. She did a great job. It almost like I'm not wearing makeup. I usually don't because I just am not that type of girl. Sam was done with her hair and it's so weird to see her hair curled. Usually her hair is straight unlike her. She likes to say that every time some mentions her straight hair. "Jeez I've never seen your hair like that." I knew she was gonna say it," yeah, that's because it's usually straight as you know, unlike me." I rolled my eyes. I went to the other side where Sam was and Genine did my hair. I heard the door open and I heard Charlie," Hey Sam." I heard Jane say," Your doing hair first Charlie." My hair was finally done and I turned and saw Charlie. It looked like his jaw dropped a little seeing me.

Charlie's POV

I was speechless. I mean she is beautiful but I've never seen her look like that. I heard Megs say," Hello, earth to Charlie." I snapped out of it and smiled at Megs," You look r-really g-good." She smiled," thanks Char." And now I'm stuttering. What is this girl doing to me. "Well I better get to wardrobe." She left and I sat down. Genine asked," You like her, don't you?" I was still stuttering and said with also a high pitched voice," W-what! No I-I don't l-like h-her like t-that." She smiled," your voice said it all. I'm sure she likes you too." I wish. Genine fixed up my hair and I saw Jake come into the trailer. He sat in the makeup chair and saw he was texting someone. I thought it was weird considering his band mates are all here, unless he's texting Megs. We did hang yesterday. Megs and I did. She was beautiful like always. I'm in a lot of shit. Genine was done doing my hair and I went to Jake. He saw me and quickly put his phone away. I seriously don't like this guy. I don't know what Megs sees in him. Why am I so jealous. I'd hate to say it but Madi might be right. I texted her last night and told Madi about me and Megs hanging out and she thinks I'm a total simp for her. She's right but I'm not the type to break up a couple. Megs would hate me for that and I don't want her to hate me, ever. After we got done we went to set. We were first gonna film a Juke scene. I see Madi and Megs hugging. I went up to the both of them. I tried to be a little flirtatious," ladies." Megs smiled," Hey Charlie, I was just wishing Madi good luck." Madi smiled. I'm glad they're getting along. Madi turned to Megs," We still on for tonight?" "Yeah definitely." I was confused. Megs could tell that I was confused. "Madi and I are gonna hang out tonight. We didn't really get to know each other at my bday party so we're gonna hang out." "Oh, nice." I smiled. I heard Kenny calling Madi and I's name. I said to Megs," I'll see you after." "Okay." I smiled at her and Madi and I started walking to the set. Madi told me," I'll definitely put a good word in for you since you simp for her." I rolled my eyes and I heard Kenny yelling which means we're about to start.

Meghan's POV

I was watching Charlie and Madi act. Seeing Charlie acting was adorable. Jake has been ignoring me all day. I have no idea why. I texted him but he hasn't said anything back. It's making me worry. Jake's never like this. I'll try to talk to him later. When they finished I felt two arms wrap around my waist. I looked to see Jake. "Hey babe." I smiled. "Hey, you okay? You seem to be ignoring me." He kissed me," I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I've been talking to my mom about Sarah." I gave him a concern look. "I'm sorry, how's your sister? Is she doing any better?" Sarah has a lung disease and the doctors are trying their best but they fear that she might only have about a year left. I saw him about to cry so I hug him. I'm the only one who knows about his sister. The rest of the band doesn't. I look ahead of me as I was hugging him and I saw Charlie. He had that same face that he had at my party. I finally let go of Jake and asked," are you gonna be okay to film?" He nodded his head as he wiped his tears. A few hours later it was time to film our part. Kenny calls my name and gets me a new script. "I decided that I wanted to keep you in the show. I saw some videos of you acting and I thought they were amazing." Like I said before I was in the band I wanted to become an actress and it looks like my dreams are coming true. I was confused though. Most of my acting videos are private. I looked at V and she gave me a bright smile. I was quick to study my new lines. About an hour later it was time to film the band and I on stage. We get all set up and Kenny said," 3,2,1 action!"

"Okay! We have two last performances! Let's give it up for the Rise!"

Sam started playing the drums.

Meghan: Only when you're close

the whole band started playing

Meghan: o-o-only when you're close, all this time, you weren't even on my mind, who would've known that you'd be, be one in the million that I need

I looked at Charlie and I got butterflies. I kept going.

Meghan: won't deny, I just want you by my side, who would've thought that I'd be, so incomplete with just me

I took the microphone off the stand.

Meghan: I can't catch, my breath, only when you're close, my heart drops, on my chest, only when you're close, I get so, get so wild, only when you're close, I can't stop, and I found, its only when you're, only when you're, clo-o-o-o-oh, close, clo-o-o-o-o-oh, close

I couldn't stop staring at Charlie.

Meghan: How do you, make me feel like just us too, can live in a world where we know, that we can be free and just let go? hold me tight, so tight that our hearts collide, we live in the world that we own, yeah, I'm at a place I call home, I can't catch, my breath, only when you're close, my heart drops, on my chest, only when you're close, I get so, get so wild, only when you're close, I can't stop, and I found, its only when you're, only when you're, clo-o-o-o-oh, close, clo-o-o-o-o-oh, close

Charlie smiled at me, ugh I'm in big trouble. I continued

Meghan: clo-o-o-o-oh, close, clo-o-o-o-o-oh, close, Only when you're close, it's only when you're, only when you're, clo-o-o-o-oh, close, clo-o-o-o-o-oh, close, clo-o-o-o-oh, close, clo-o-o-o-o-oh, close

We finished paying and Kenny had us do it again.

A/n sorry this chapter took forever, got distracted. Hope you like this chapter. I should have two jatp stories coming soon so look for those.

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