Who and where

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"Well luv, I'm off to get me a drink. You guys make sure she don' escape." Murdoc Says taking a cigarette out of his jacket pocket and lighting it. Murdoc groans and walks out the door, locking it behind him. The tall blue haired man approaches you. "Uh I don' fink ya head chew good." He says, pointing to the bloody spot. "Yeah, hurts like hell." You reply. "What is your name?" The short girl asked. "Oh, I'm Y/N." You say, rubbing your head. "Nice to meet you Y/N! I am Noodle!" She says, jumping up and down and then pointing to the bigger guy. "Russel." He says, you can tell he's not a man of many words. "Oh uh.. I'm Stuart! Everyone calls me 2d though.." He says, pointing to his eyes. "Cuz I got 2 dent's in me ed'!" He says, smiling, revealing the missing teeth. He's oddly attractive, and quite adorable. You stare at the fully black eyes, and then you blurt out. "How'd that happen?" He thinks for a minute and then states: "Murdoc bounced a car of me ed'." This Murdoc guy doesn't seem to nice, figuring he kidnapped you and now this.

"So how'd ya get er'?" 2d says, walking you to the bathroom so he can clean up your wound. "He kidnapped me, I don't even know who he is." You tell him. "Aw luv, sorry bout' dat. Murdoc tends to do dumb fings...often." He says. He brushes your hair away from the wound. (Which was right behind your ear.) He hands are soft, and warm, and unexpectedly gentle. "dis may sting a bit." He says rubbing a strong smelling liquid over it. "Ow! What is that?!" You say, flinching at the pain. "Wishkey." He says. "Whiskey?" "Yeah, it cleans out everything.. how'd you get this anyway." 2d asks. "That asshole hit me with a gun." You say. "Sorry bout' dat luv, we will have you fixed up in no time!" He says, wrapping your head in a bandage. "Her' take sum of des." He hands you an orange bottle, labeled "PAIN KILLER". "Thanks you say getting up, kissing him on the cheek as a thank you. He blushes, twiddling his thumbs together. "N-no probwem." We says back.

You walk out back to the kitchen, this place still strangely familiar. "Hmm.." You place your finger on your lips, thinking as hard as possible about how you recognize this shithole. "Something on your mind Y/N Chan?" Noodle asks. "Kinda, I dunno why but this place feels familiar, like I've seen it somewhere." You reply "Well yeah! This is Kong Studios! A couple months back we got our own MTV Cribs." Now it comes to you. You had been at a friends house, her parents had been watching the latest crib, Kong Studios. Otherwise known as the Gorillaz HQ.

A/N- So far I'm having a fun time writing this, I hope you enjoy reading :) Soon things will get interesting I promise. I forgot to mention this before this takes place around Phase 1-2. 

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