The Plan

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Your sitting in the den, its been about 15 hours since you had been kidnapped. You doubt you would be marked as missing, as no one does in this sketchy town. You kick a beer can across the floor, clenching your fists. "woah luv, someone is angre'." Says 2d giggling. You can't help but blush at his cute laugh and comment. "I'm just scared, this is better then a kidnapping you'd expect, but I'm scared of Murdoc. What will he do to me?" You says. "Welw, when Mudz brings gurls ome', he usually fucks em, and then kicks em out." 2d responds. "Ew, by that old pickle." You say giggling. 2d has just lifted your mood in a matter of seconds. Something was different about him. You think you may be falling for this tall funny looking man.

   "You avent' ate anything luv. Are ya hungry?" 2d asks, opening the fridge. "Kinda, but im not in the mood to eat any thing." You reply. You think to yourself, I have to escape some how. Some how...

              "When is Murdoc going to be back?" You ask 2d "Prolly real late, he ikes' to get real dwunk, yell at us, then pass owt." 2d explains. You look at the time.. 7:00 PM  "Hey 2d.." He perks his head out from the fridge. "Does there happen to be another vehicle in the garage?" You ask. "Uhh yeah, dares the Geep." He says. "The keys prolly in Murdoc's Winnebago." "Good, cause I gotta get out of here." You say. "I downt fink dats a good idea Y/N. Murdoc will find the Geep, and then take you gain'." He says. "Thats why I'll dump it in a parking lot, and then call my friend to pick me up." You say, reaching into your pocket for your phone to show him... but it's no there. You check the other pocket franticly "Is fomting wrong Y/N?" 2d asks. "Yeah... little problem, I can't find my phone." You say. "Murdoc probably took it wiff da rest of ya stuff."  You think all hope of this plan is lost until you get an idea. "Do you have your phone on you 2d?" You ask. "Uh yeah its right er'." He says pulling out a small flip-phone. He hands it to you and you punch in your bestfriends phone number. You think, she's probably worried sick I haven't texted her. Ringggggg.......Ringggggg...... She finally picks up. 

"Hello, who is this?"

"Its Y/N.. this might sound crazy but hear me out."

"OMG Y/N I thought you died or something.." 

"I mean you could almost call it that....anyways to the point."

"I'm listening."

"So I've been kidnapped, I've gotten access to a phone and you have to listen carefully."

"Jesus Y/N.."

"Tomorrow at 6:30 PM, pick me up in the 711 parking lot."

"Ok I will."

"Thanks a ton."

"Of course, but you will have a lot of explaining to do."

"Heh, love you."

"Love you to...AND DON'T DIE."


                                                 You say your goodbyes and hang up. Tomorrow you will escape, the plan was in place.


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